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Topics - BrampyTV

Pages: [1]
Requests / How do you use "if" and "then" commands
« on: May 19, 2016, 05:34:34 PM »
I'm not sure how to use "if" and "then". Everytime I use it My game doesn't work properly.

Mod Releases / NEW boys dorm mod!
« on: August 09, 2015, 12:40:43 PM »
Information -  this mod
places you in the girls dorm with no girls and peds from different cliques,
its not finished so if you
you think its bad just know that im aware of it and I plan fixing it.
I know its kinda useless but I only know very little on how to make mods, and
this was really the only thing that I could think of making.

Installation - Go to the Bully Scholarship directory
(if you don't know how to do that then right click on the game and go to Open file location)
then go to the Scripts folder and replace Scripts.img with the modded one I have provided.

Mod Releases / Pet mod
« on: August 02, 2015, 05:39:23 PM »
This is a simple mod for people who don't anything about lua scripting/coding.
Installation - Download imgtool and find the Scripts.img in the Bully scholarship edition directory and replace the ArcRace1.lur file with the modded one I have provided, then load up the arcade machine in the boys dorm, this is a terrible mod I understand and.. well there's nothing more to say thats it:/

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