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Author Topic: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers and OOB Exploration. [Now 80% stickier!]  (Read 153517 times)

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Offline Red Blaster

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers and OOB Exploration. [Now 80% stickier!]
« Reply #225 on: November 05, 2011, 08:05:27 PM »
Also ive found a lot hidden places around school and own which you don't need download for. First one is in boys dorm, go in hallway that leads to door outside, look on your right, there will be a trashcan or something u can hide in. Go in, rotate Jimmy so he is facing the walll, and press r to get out. You will then be in another students room. You will see two beds and a dresser. If you move to far though, you will spawn back inyour room. Also when you go out of the dorm and you get to the center where on youor left is boys dorm and your right girls. Got to the right top corner of that center, there will be another bin. repeat same process, jump out while facing wall, and you will be under the school. There is also one in the girls locker room in the gym, and one in the asylum. The one in the asylum puts you in a room with a white floor, where you can see and shoot things out, but nothing can come in. Oh and one in front of Harrington house that gets you stuck in one of the pillar things.

Those are just glitches/out of bounds areas.

By interiors, he means like Biology classroom, music room, auditorium, etc.

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers and OOB Exploration. [Now 80% stickier!]
« Reply #226 on: November 06, 2011, 12:16:35 AM »
i know, i didn't say interriors.

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers and OOB Exploration. [Now 80% stickier!]
« Reply #227 on: November 06, 2011, 12:24:46 AM »
Anyways, sorry if that was confusing. So how to get into Hattrick manor on pc? Haven't been able to

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers and OOB Exploration. [Now 80% stickier!]
« Reply #228 on: November 06, 2011, 05:14:24 AM »
Nah, it's alright.

You have to do the bike jump from the stairs.

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers and OOB Exploration. [Now 80% stickier!]
« Reply #229 on: November 15, 2011, 08:05:37 PM »
so any other places like that where the walls aren't completely solid? I know the bank's wall arent.

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers and OOB Exploration. [Now 80% stickier!]
« Reply #230 on: November 15, 2011, 10:50:31 PM »
There are a few....the janitors room upstairs in the school...the rusted door that says janitor on it when the door is removed has hollow walls on its left side if ur standing in the hallway facing the will fall to the second floor or through the entire floor if you fall through that. The auditorium also has hollow walls if you remove the doors and walk in...but thats only because the actual interior isnt spawned there and is seperate from the actual school.

Offline UltimateGamer1

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers and OOB Exploration. [Now 80% stickier!]
« Reply #231 on: December 06, 2011, 07:25:51 PM »
@Madman That's one thing about this game I don't get. Why the hell do the actual class rooms and auditoiriom spawn only during missions. It really doesn't make sense because these game creaters seem like they were lazy with this game and most interiors aren't finished or done. They are just used on missions it's strange and weird. I noticed that these actual interiors are very big. One hidden place on the map that doesn't exist and very hard to get to because its shallow is the Bullworth forest it can't be walked on or ententered because its shallow. The junk yard is an interior that is fully functional everything is solid and walkable its actually very big and,fun to walk around. The chemical plan is fully functionable acept the door that is near the hole its weird because the marker to open spawns on the other side. I'll make a topic fo rf imteriors you can enter and not enter.

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers and OOB Exploration. [Now 80% stickier!]
« Reply #232 on: December 07, 2011, 01:55:42 PM »
I think R* have full intentions of never releasing these beutiful interiors, its the same with IV, and it does add extra interest to the game for fans and modders like us to crack

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers and OOB Exploration. [Now 80% stickier!]
« Reply #233 on: December 07, 2011, 05:28:52 PM »
R* was lazy with this game and its port they added this game to the pc very fast and sloppy.They were very lazy and uncreative with the boss fights and the missions I mean its fun to play but its also very annoying with the glicthes and 20,000 game crashes and starting all the way from the beginning. This game not like otjer Rock star games isn't hard the AI are slow and easy to beat. The bosses are easy and are pushovers. I think if R* got the guy that made Johnny's beta to create the game it wouldv'e been better. To bad morons made this one :(.

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers and OOB Exploration. [Now 80% stickier!]
« Reply #234 on: February 03, 2012, 04:42:05 PM »
Apologies to go into "GTA land" again but someone told me that Bully used San Andreas as a baseline.
What I mean is some features from SA were in Bully but dropped.
Can someone confirm this?
Ones I have been informed of are
-Girlfriends (Take them on dates instead of quick kisses)
-Respect in free roam
-Trouble Meter lasts longer.
-Ability to remove Tattoos.

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers and OOB Exploration. [Now 80% stickier!]
« Reply #235 on: February 24, 2012, 05:06:50 PM »
I'm not really used to Modding, however you may of spotted them before, I went to the config folder in the Bully folder, I clicked on the 'dat' folder, looked around abit, and I found something to do with the Exit Markers and the Blip locations, does that count? Because I just wanted to know wherever it could be useful or not. The files are called 'Bliplocs.dat' and 'ExitLocs.dat', I looked at both of them with Notepad++ but on BlipLocs, all I could see were the locations like the Warehouse, Observatory, well almost every interior, but to the right, there were just a bunch of Zeros? I don't know why, but it seems interesting.

One more point, also in the files, I found out that hidden somewhere is the Testroom developers used before the making I think.  Also with the ExitLocs file, it had the co-ordinates of the interiors and how to exit them and stuff, sorry I'm just a noob at trying to find out stuff!

Maybe someone could check it out? Thanks.

It is definitely interesting, I wonder if it has actually anything do with Hidden Interiors?
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 05:09:31 PM by JayC123 »

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers and OOB Exploration. [Now 80% stickier!]
« Reply #236 on: February 24, 2012, 10:48:29 PM »
The ExitLocs control where the ped or character goes after someone opens that door. All of the interiors on the game are done even the ones that we cant see. They are in an harcoded script that we can break but try editing that file I managed to get some doors out the exiting door to the Chem O Plant and the exit door to the Tenements.

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers and OOB Exploration. [Now 80% stickier!]
« Reply #237 on: February 27, 2012, 12:21:21 AM »
heh, I will correct you on the exitlocs and bliplocs.

Exitlocs.dat just shows on the radar map where the exits are to a interior you are in. They show up as orange door icons on the radar and bliplocs work for other things like mission locations (stars) objects you need, authority figures...etc.

those two scripts really are pointless to try modding because it just screws with the game.

I have done a lot of reverse engineering to figure all that out.

Hope that helps a bit more since I can answer almost any question dealing with the game files....

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers and OOB Exploration. [Now 80% stickier!]
« Reply #238 on: February 27, 2012, 12:58:51 AM »
Oh I thought they were for that type of thing I was wondering why my games stars were moved all across the map I finally figured it out -_-. I was a bit confused at first lol.

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Alright guys, time for a necro of this thread.

Right, for a long time, I was very intrigued by this talk of the triangles underneath the game map. Well, thanks to the gravity mod, I was able to get under the maps and see for myself, and sure enough, I found the black triangle underneath the junkyard interior, and the green triangle underneath the school.

Now, I have no idea what the green triangle is, but according to info Mad gathered, the black triangle is an unspawned interior...can't confirm this yet, though.

Anyways, I took screens of them. No idea what it says on the green one apart from the first four letters (ceme). Keep in mind, I can't get any closer to them because of the pink water that automatically knocks Jimmy out.