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Offline Parker Ogilvie

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Conversation Dialogue
« on: February 22, 2015, 08:24:56 PM »
That’s pretty much it. I’ve still got to tie up a couple of loose ends with the non-clique students (Ray and Eunice never talk to anyone, seriously, it’s like they’re programmed to be losers) but apart from that, here’s to Bullworth’s outdated gossip.

1) Bullies:
Russell Northrop:
- Russell hopes to smash one hundred kids this semester.
- The nurse says Russell, have over-active glands.
- Russell help make Jimmy king!
- I kept him trapped in that locker for three days.
- You ever kick ball, through brick wall?
- I saw Mr. Galloway drink from little bottle, under bleachers.
- Mandy let me see her belly button.
- Russell is Bullworth champion!
- I can pick up nerds with one hand.
- I saw Johnny Vincent walk out of nudie club.
- I smashed a clown’s face at the carnival. Clowns scare me.
- I stepped in something gooey.
- You ever squeeze puppy, too hard?
- Most clothes don’t fit Russell. Russell husky.
- I hear Mr. Burton will smell like that for seven years.
- I saw the Nerds hanging out in the old observatory.
- I made him eat his chemistry project.
- Shoelaces confuse Russell.
- Russell always wanted to be dancer.
- I wish my parents would un-divorce.
- I fell from five flights, and I feel good.
- No one sell size seventeen shoe.
- Cats always scream when you pull their heads.
- I hit him so hard; he swallowed teeth.
- You ever get hit by tractor?
- You ever get face smashed in?
- Russell loves to smash things!
- The cafeteria food made me puke all night.
- I always break glass before milk gets to my lips.
- Puppy calendars make Russell sad, in a good way.

Davis White:
- So I’m sure you’ve heard; I’m the number one freshman tormentor in the HISTORY of the academy!
- One time I actually made a kid drop out; I think the little wimp still bums around town sometimes!
- This town’s a dump; we got hobos, Greasers and dropouts ALL over the d*mn place.
- There’s some new dumbass trying to be tough will Russell, won’t be so tough if Russell goes off on him.
- Man, I gotta go blow off some steam, go lock some brat in a locker or something. That should do it, hahaha.
- You ever give a kid a swirly?
- I don’t care if some new wimp comes in here strutting his stuff. He’s a punk and he’s a dork, period.
- Y'know something’s wrong when the freshmen start fightin' back; we didn’t do that in the old days!
- I hear Lola is too timin' her man Johnny Vincent, what girl would wanna date a dirt bag like that?
- That wine-o Galloway hasn’t been around for a while; he’s nothing but an old drunk.
- So if some nasty chick wants to get with me, you think I’m gonna do it? Hell no! Only the top brass for Davis.
- So, you ever been over to the carnival?
- Just what the heck is the deal with parents? So what if I didn’t get straight As.
- Have you ever stolen a freshman’s lunch money?
- I’m gonna find a way to get myself out of class at LEAST four times a week. It’s gonna be the best!
- Well if Hopkins thinks he’s smart; he ain’t! He’s a bed-wettin' little punk who wrecked our school.
- What’s WRONG with me?! Sometimes I, I-I-I-I just start crying and I can’t stop!
- I LOVE giving those little snots swirlies and wedgies; seeing those little tears run down their face just makes me light up inside!
- There’s so many lame punks at this school, I’m seriously surrounded by morons.
- Well fall’s here, and that means I can make some freshmen eat a handful of rotten leaves. Hahaha!
- Why would the geeks fight about who’s gonna be the class president? Who cares? What’s the diff'? They’re all nerd-losers!
- When a no-brained jerk can score with the sweetest chick in the whole school; you know there’s a serious problem!
- It was my cousin’s fault I turned out like this. If he hadn’t made me eat all those junebugs maybe I’d be ... normal!
- When I see one more little freshman try to walk by me without saluting, I’m gonna flip my freaking lid!
- I lost all my tuck money for the month playing stupid darts with Troy! Why would I even bother? He RULES at darts!
- I can’t believe it! I hate this school, but it’s all freakin' trash like some animals were set loose in it.
- Hey, you ever shoot a bottle rocket at a beetle?
- Y'know I’m the freshmen’s worst nightmare; they think I’m like the boogieman or somethin'!

Trent Northwick:
- Bullworth, dorkwad central.
- Chicks dig actors. We’re called "thespians" in the business.
- I can’t believe that Hopkins snot did Russell in!
- I touched Lola’s bra, believe it.
- Ms. Phillips keeps a picture of me in her desk I swear.
- Forget stage. A face like this is pure cinema, you get me?
- I hurt my hand flushing that kid’s head down the toilet.
- Too many wusses around here.
- Lola and Mandy are fighting over me again.
- Ever sneak in the girls lock room?
- How can one girl be so mean?!
- Mr. Galloway says I got talent, says I can go aaaall the way.
- You ever see me in that commercial?
- I saw that Hopkins kid playing Laser Vikings with the nerds, I’m serious!
- Lola doesn’t wear underwear, she showed me.
- They told me Mr. Burton was gonna smell like that forever!
- I can’t wait till school ends, I’m guaranteed a lead part at acting camp.
- I heard Mandy knows aaaall about third base.
- You heard about Mr. Galloway and Ms. Phillips? They were ... you know.
- My coach tells me my craft is intense, man. Intense!
- Sometimes, these girls, THESE girls, are just prude, y'know?
- I found a toenail in the meatloaf!
- Bullworth girls need to put out more.
- My knee hurts.
- So did you kiss her, or what?
- You ever wedgie a Nerd so bad, he bleeds.
- I searched that kids room and didn’t find one porno.
- I was giving that Nerd Fatty a wedgie and he had a slice of pizza in his underwear, can you believe that?
- They kicked me out of the girl’s dorm. I’m not sweating it.
- If I get left back another year; I’m RUNNING to Hollywood.

 Ethan Robinson:
- Yeah so last night; I dreamed that I took out a whole army with my new frog style. I made it up, but I was a warrior man.
- I could probably take out at least three ninjas before I had to tap out. Shadow training can make a really big difference.
- These Jocks act so tough, man. They don’t even study no styles, man!
- I’ve learned to master any technique within hours. It’s a meditation thing that I developed over the summer.
- Well I sure got the wool pulled over my eyes. Hopkins was a fake; he doesn’t even care about Bullworth.
- Oh man, that new guy really smoked those Preps. He’s gotta have some serious training.
- Okay so I think Mr. Galloway is secretly training with an ancient habkilo master; seriously, think about it!
- Man, I think this school needs a mixed martial arts team. I could lead them, we could compete. Aw it’d be great!
- You ever broken a board with your bare hands?
- Ever been to a martial arts tournament?
- I’ve now fully memorised all the moves in fight sequences throughout all the movies in my collection.
- I see we got some new kid here, thinks he’s a tough guy! I bet he doesn’t even have any training!
- It’s so cool how Russell wanted to make me his new defence minister ... well, I haven’t asked him yet, but he’ll do it.
- Y'know why does everyone make fun of ninjas? It’s a sad place where people don’t believe in ninjas.
- I’m really gettin' mad at the teachers. They say that kung fu; is not a valid physical education activity.
- The main problem; is that no one cares about self defence anymore!
- Yeah, so I was thinking about karate.
- I say Hopkins is actually something. He took out Vincent! I mean Johnny was a tough dude!
- I really hate the kids at this school with these tough guy attitudes. It’s so stupid, 'specially since they have no training.
- I can’t believe the carnival’s already here, this year’s just flying by.
- That movie Game of Death really changed my life; I can use sooo many more styles now.
- You ever seen a man KILLED before?
- My problem; is that I know I’m talented, and I think it affects my performance. I’d do much better if I really had to try, y'know?
- Y'know I’m really startin' to like this Hopkins kid. He’s got style. Now all he needs is to learn some techniques.
- Hey, have you seen the fighting lion clan?
- Russell’s a pretty good fighter, but he just needs to refine his style, y'know?
- Man, jujitsu is like so cool!
- Homework really bothers me; I could be workin' on my techniques when I’m not in class.
- The bad thing; is that I don’t fully understand brick breaking or that kind of thing yet. It’s my weakest area!
- It bothers me that I can’t figure out why no one in this school can match me. I need some competition; and I’m not gettin' any.

Tom Gurney:
(Tom has a slightly peculiar manner of speaking. He frequently stammers his vowels and darts back and forth between a calm and an angry tenor. Some of his lines might look a little odd written down.)

- Man I-I’d never date a cheerleader; they’re so out of it!
- Y'know, all these punks think that I’m dumb, well I ain’t! I got it figured OUT!
- So, you been on a cruise ship before? They’re really weird, y'know?
- I don’t know why we even have to learn this junk, we’re never gonna need to know fractions again!
- If we all tried to dig a little deeper, uh work a little harder; maybe we could actually be able to find out what’s really going on here.
- I was right about that Hopkins; he’s nothing but a little punk!
- Man, i-if it weren’t for all these losers here; I might actually be cool!
- Ah y'know, sometimes I feel like I’m such an easy target; like people jus', wanna take advantage of me!
- You look like someone who can get into trouble ... ever set a house on fire?
- Ah spring, the time of year for new beginnings ... a-and new problems!
- I don’t trust a soul here; they all think I’m some big dumb kid or something. Well I’m not!
- Some new guy’s trying to get serious with Russell, hah-hah.
- Freakin' winter. The only reason it gets cold is so that we’ll spend less time outside. Can’t you see that?!
- The one thing I know is that no one’s pulling wool over my EYES!
- You ever looked inside the garbage disposal? Some crazy stuff in there.
- In a place with so much advanced technology, why are we all still out to get each other? We don’t need that!
- I don’t see why I haven’t got a girlfriend yet. I’m so desirable a-and I know it’s true!
- That new kid’s been hasslin' the Preps a lot lately. That’s cool, I hate the Preps.
- Hey, you ever think about taking up ice skating?
- Hm ... I hate my desk in math class. It’s so old and uncomfortable.
- Well, I-I guess Hopkins isn’t so bad after all.
- I bet I could beat up like ... most of this whole school!
- Bet you never seen a guy this smart!
- The thing is; I-I trust them all too much. I don’t know why!
- Lately, it’s like everyone in the world is taking advantage of everyone else. It’s a disgrace!
- The teacher’s got it in for me man, I know it!
- So, do you think our teachers have something else going on? I-I feel uneasy around them. Something’s up.
- What’s the deal with trying to make everything faster and smaller? I know t-that it’s just another way to confuse us! It IS!

Wade Martin:
- Grades are retarded! Like, how does one stupid letter make me better or worse than someone?!
- My dad says he’s gonna buy me some condoms so I can like, do it with chicks, y'know?
- Haven’t you been making out with that nerd?
- I hate parents, I hate divorces; now I have double the family stuff to do, and no one cares about it!
- Y'hear about the Nerds? They got some petition to get me expelled, yeah good LUCK.
- I just found out the Preps are gonna "prep" the new guy. Haha, sucker.
- I don’t get how Greasers get chicks. I mean, what’d they got that I ain’t got?! Girls are retarded!
- I’m sick of being stupid! I need like; someone to cheat off!
- I might not be the brightest but pretty much I am the toughest.
- You hear that Dr. Crabblesnitch used to be in gymnastics? What a dork!
- That new kid looks like trouble; I heard he’s really badass.
- You ever given someone an upside-down atomic wedgie and then swirlied them?
- That Lola chick says she’s gonna be under the bleachers for the big game, and she said everyone’s invited!
- Gary’s been tellin' me all sorts of crazy things about Hopkins.
- I overheard Edna sayin' she spits in the food! That’s nasty dude.
- Did you ever wanna go to Bullworth?
- I hear that Hopkins has been laughing at all of this in his room.
- I heard we ain’t gettin' any holidays this year.
- This school is crap; no one even cares when I get suspended anymore!
- I might not get the best grades but like, I can intimidate anyone for homework and stuff.
- I just got wind that Johnny was gonna try to start a food fight tomorrow.
- I’m freakin' tired of tests! I suck at them and no one likes me!
- I hate the way people look at me just because I’m tough and cool, I mean, they don’t have to be jealous!
- Hey, I heard that some kook-worker was talking about ghosts or somethin' at the mill.
- You ever thought about what it would be like to be a bird or like, a bug or somethin'?
- I hear that Lola chick wants to ride on my hog; you hear anything about that?
- There’s way too many Jocks and dorks in this world. It’s like there’s so many people just asking to be beat up!
- I think that out of everyone at Bullworth; I’m probably in the top ten for cool.

 Troy Miller:
- I wish I could beat up everyone at once.
- I’ve heard the hobo was once a prize fighter.
- Y'know that Lola is two timing Johnny.
- Have you ever broken someone else’s bones?
- It looks like that new kid can’t fight at all.
- Did you hear that Galloway was wasted durin' his lecture yesterday?
- This place is in-fes-ted with wimps.
- People are too wimpy!
- Have you ever trashed the locker room?
- Have you ever spit at a teacher?
- Rumour is that Crabblesnitch is looking for the hole again.
- I am very tough.
- I heard Gary went off to join some terrorists or somthin'.
- I will beat up the Nerds.
- Everyone thinks that’s Johnny in the mascot costume because he doesn’t wanna show his face.
- I heard Hopkins planned this whole thing to avenge his dad or something.
- I ... am very strong.
- There is word going around that Beatrice is really a slut who pounds all the nerd boys.
- Nobody likes to fight anymore.
- Have you ever broken a bone?
- I am not tough enough.
- Russell is going to take out the greaseballs this year.
- Someone told me Thad made a grenade out of an eraser.
- Sometimes I think I’m not manly enough.
- I-always-fight.
- I’m afraid someone won’t be scared of me.
- Everyone thinks this year is going to be THE year for boxing.
- They won’t let you hit teachers here!

2) Nerds
Melvin O'Connor:
- In the world of G&G I am known as Zurolon; a god-like level thirty fighter slash sorcerer.
- Have you ever been to the principal’s office?
- I once spent thirty straight hours playing G&G.
- I heard Jocks don’t have to go to school on Fridays!
- I think I might have BO!
- Someone told me that you can get an A in gym class if you beat someone up in front of Mr. Burton.
- Sometimes I have trouble telling what is real and what is fake anymore!
- My dad calls me "daddy’s little embarrassment" because I’m not good at sports.
- I hear there’s an insane asylum around here, where they do experiments on kids who get expelled from Bullworth.
- Ever been to the comic book store?
- Is it just me or does Mr. Galloway seem a bit off to you?
- I think I might spend too much time playing RPGs.
- So it looks like the Preps and the Greasers are finally gonna have at it.
- Have you ever been to the old observatory?
- I heard that the old observatory is haunted, and that everyone should stay away from it.
- This school is so pathetic!
- Dr. Slawter seems kind of sad and lonely to me.
- I heard that Ted is so dumb he flunked kindergarten, twice!
- There’s gotta be some sort of secret entrance out of this place, because how else is everyone sneaking out of here at night?
- Have you ever played a game of Grottos & Gremlins?
- I heard someone from our school helped the Townie kids wreck our campus!
- If the rumour about kids cheating is true; that’s really gonna screw up the curve.
- I can’t wait to get out of here!
- This is why I hate the real world!
- I know where Johnny Vincent went; he’s in a nuthouse getting illegal experiments performed on him!
- I’m the president of the G&G club.
- I carry a d-twenty on me everywhere I go.
- This place just keeps getting worse, and worse.

Beatrice Trudeau:
- Have you ever stayed up studying all night the day after the big exam, just for fun?!
- I don’t know why I cry when I think about med school *snivel*, I know I’ll get in!
- If you’re smart, you know that nice clothes won’t get you into a good college. The Preps are, ultimately losers.
- Do you ever read your anatomy and physiology textbook while riding your bike?
- Have you ever ... examined yourself?
- I think Jocks are like a different species; they have smaller brains, and bigger muscles. We all serve a different purpose.
- I guess is; most of the Greasers reading level is around third grade.
- My fear is that I'll end up working at a bookstore when I'm thirty, because all I have is a masters degree from some liberal arts college!
- I hate being young, I wish I could become a forty year old cardiovascular surgeon when I wake up tomorrow.
- I’ve always been pleased I have somewhat of a waist; I can’t wear glasses AND be fat.
- I like helping people who have less brains than I.
- Studying is more important than dating in life; I heard Miss. Peabody never dated in high school.
- I’m not going to make the mistake Mrs. McRae made. She wanted to be a doctor, but became a-a NURSE because, she dated!
- Have you ever put on a white coat and pretended to give a lecture as a neurologist in front of a mirror?
- Any society that encourages tolerance and compassion over straight As, will have more people with diseases than doctors who can treat them.
- Christy was saying that no girl from Bullworth has ever gone to med school, that ... scares me.
- It's not fair that only the pretty girls receive special treatment. Why don't they ever give out free ice cream to the girl who can recite the periodic table?!
- I heard Mandy has decided to give up on college altogether and focus on finding a husband, smart strategy.
- I wish music and art classes weren't mandatory. Do you care if your doctor was tone-deaf or can’t draw?!
- If I’m truly smart; I wouldn't be at Bullworth now!
- I heard the doctors at the asylum said that Mr. Galloway will make a full recovery. Doctors are never wrong.
- Do you ever imagine what it would feel like to open up someone’s heart for a bypass operation?
- I already know the medical schools to which I’ll apply.
- All the Preps are so excited about the carnival coming to town. I should stay home and study so I can get ahead.
- I thought Jimmy was not that smart but it seems like he might be. Maybe he’s one of those hidden geniuses.
- Townies seem to try to go out with quieter girls because "they’re easier".
- Townies don’t like high pitched voices, the coyotes don’t either.
- If the Nerds ruled the world, we would have less people with AIDS.
- I’m focused on studying to be a physician to help people, I hardly ever notice people around me or their problems!
- I’m not going to cry ever, once I get into med school because; doctors don’t cry.
- I hear that new kid Jimmy is not very smart. One less competition is ... good for me.

Thad Carlson:
- How can an intelligent boy such as myself succeed in this day and age?
- This year will end-in-tears, mark my words.
- I really think someone is out to get me this year.
- Have you ever considered the military uses of yardsticks and rulers?
- I’ll never design the ultimate yardstick!
- Isn’t Beatrice soooo nice?
- Mr. Galloway’s totally lost it, he’s been sent away.
- We mustn’t forget our vaccinations this semester.
- Ever take revenge on the Greasers?
- Someday I shall punish those Greasers.
- I think our petty lives are just a crumb on the spate of the universe.
- I can create deadly weapons out of anything so take care!
- Have you ever tasted Edna’s cookies?
- Did you hear? You can stick firecrackers inside of erasers and make grenades!
- Mr. Burton has never found me when I cut gym class.
- When the football game starts; everyone has to hide in the observatory!
- I cannot help but assume that Bullworth is a microcosm for the whole world!
- This planet is too small for my copious greatness.
- Those who treat me terribly shall someday be punished by myself.
- D'you ever talk to girls?
- The spaghetti in the cafeteria makes me sick!
- That Earnest isn’t afraid of anyone!
- I wish I didn’t have this visual impediment.
- It’s that time again; time to suck it to those sick carnies!
- Mr. Burton underwent quite an unfortunate incident didn’t he? Hehe.
- Those Greasers are so sick!
- Last year I hit my yardstick over Peanut’s head, but it just broke in half.
- I wish Ms. Phillips would show me her sketches sometime.

Donald Anderson:
- None of the girls here appreciate how great I am.
- Mr. Smith got kicked out of here and went to prison!
- Nobody here is at my level.
- Half the people here can’t even read!
- I heard that crazy hobo used to be a teacher here!
- Have you been to Europe?
- Y'know those pictures of Mandy are super hot!
- Apparently, Edna’s developed this ridiculous crush on one of our teachers.
- Apparently Mr. Galloway is an alco'.
- This school is terrible; the people here are pathetic.
- Apparently the new boy still wears a diaper, at fifteen!
- I really hate my father; he criticises me!
- I heard the new kid has been kicked out of fifteen schools and can’t read.
- The headmaster called ME arrogant.
- Jimmy’s really got everything under control.
- I’m really undervalued in this place.
- I’m incredible, my mommy told me.
- I heard that Russell has an IQ of seven.
- Have you ever ... y'know, done it?
- I’m going to be the president one day.
- Melvin’s probably the best game master in the whole city.
- I’m a straight-A-student, beat that.
- Have you been applying to Ivy League schools?
- Have you ever won a spelling b?
- I heard Algernon was helping Lola with her homework ... lucky bastard.
- I look small, but I’m really angry.
- This is probably the worst year ever at Bullworth.

Cornelius Johnson:
- I’ve got gym this afternoon, I-I’m scared of Mr. Burton!
- Of course I always get the highest grades at Bullworth.
- Have you been to the library yet today?
- Have you ever kissed a girl?
- I think I’m growing a moustache.
- Mr. Galloway smells like my grandfather.
- Earnest is my hero; I heard he’s going to abolish gym if he’s made class president.
- Russell said I looked girly!
- The only law here is the law of the jungle. Whatever happened to civilised conduct?
- Those Bullies are always mean!
- Thad’s older brother Dan thinks he’s all tough now.
- I heard that new boy Jimmy Hopkins gave Russell a taste of his own medicine.
- I hate Bullies, I hope they get their comeuppance soon.
- Ethan gave me a wedgie this morning and it still hurts!
- I’m worried I might not finish first in English this year!
- Mandy looked in my direction this morning!
- Did you know I’m Mr. Hattrick’s favourite pupil?
- Did you finish your math assignment?
- That Jimmy Hopkins is actually a nice guy.
- This school is rules by vicious thugs!
- Did you see Ted’s face when Jimmy beat him?
- Russell keeps picking on me; he pushed me over into a puddle this morning!
- The Jocks are all so nasty!
- Did you read War & Peace yet?
- I must say I’m disgusted by the amount of graffiti; it’s a blight on the school!
- Did you hear what happened to Melvin? Somebody hid all his socks!
- There are rats in the library. Rat’s I tell you; in-the-library!
- The Bullies always try and steal money from me!

Fatty Johnson:
- I’m president of the Laser Viking fan club.
- When my parents argue, I hide in the closet and eat doughnut holes.
- I saw Russell smash Donald’s science project over his head!
- They always make me the dwarf; I’m a barbarian, dang it!
- This planet sucks; I wanna live on Nebulon Prime.
- I’ve gone from an obese, to a husky!
- Edna’s not making sloppy joes anymore, yeah I know!
- You ever eat muffins with gravy?
- I heard those rats tried to eat Mrs. Carvin!
- You ever get one-million points on Grottos & Gremlins?
- I heard Johnny Vincent needed to get a new nose!
- I heard Gary is walking around school in a disguise!
- My breasts, are bigger than Edna’s.
- I hear Lola French kissed a boy, tehehe.
- You ever see a girl ... y'know?
- I hear Jimmy Hopkins burned his last school to the ground!
- I haven’t eaten boogers in three days!
- Last summer at fat camp; I made out with a horse!
- My mom told me husky means handsome.
- Ms. Danvers said Mr. Galloway, is a booze-hound.
- Why can’t they have fudgesicles every Friday?
- You ever play Grottos & Gremlins?
- I heard Lola made out with TWO boys, yeah!
- I hear the carnival is going to have a mermaid this year, can you believe it?
- My mom says the dropouts are all smoking wacky tobacco.
- They made me play shirts and skins ... I was skins.
- I wish these pants were just one size bigger.
- Why can’t they have an express lane at the cafeteria?
- Mandy says if I lose eighty pounds, she won’t puke when she sees me!

Bucky Pasteur:
- The Jocks are always one step ahead of me, I don’t get it; they’re practically brain-dead!
- I know I’m only getting a C in math but anytime I want I can get and A, I’m a Nerd!
- I heard Johnny Vincent joined the army because Lola cheated on him!
- Mr. Galloway called me special, same as my grandma does, cool huh?
- I eaves dropped earlier and heard that Ted Thompson has a tiny one, hah ... figures I guess.
- Granny says that Mandy girl is a tart, but all the boys think she’s sweet; I don’t get it!
- Plenty of fish in the sea but I don’t like girls anyway.
- Oh my gosh, I heard Peanut tried to get to first base with Mandy; that’s soooo gross.
- Bullworth is bullroar; I hate this place and it hates me!
- Nerds will always be chopped liver to the rest of the world, i-it’s our destiny!
- My granny’s gonna throw a party for me 'cause she loves me sooo much.
- Mr. Hattrick and Mr. Galloway were pretty mad at each other; I think I saw Mr. Galloway give him the middle finger!
- I think that Mr. Burton is kinda stupid, y'know?
- I think my granny’s going crazy but she really likes cats.
- My grandma says Dr. Crabblesnitch is a knob and a no-good sinner.
- I’ve been buffin' up, can’t you tell? I wear a size twenty-six waist now!
- I’m not trying to be weird but did you do stuff with Mandy? She’s got cooties, I hope not.
- I don’t think I’ll ever be big enough to be a Jock but I wanna try.
- I saw Gary and Derby talking about something, and when I walked by they told me to shut up!
- I don’t think girls like me, I think it’s because they’re intimidated by my sense of timing; three watches, y'know?
- Have yooouu ever put a peanut butter sandwich in your pants?
- I HATE getting wedgies! Why do I always get wedgies? It’s so unfair!
- Has that crazy bum ever tried to touch you? Did you let him?
- Did you see that bearded woman? She’s so neat!
- Just think; in a couple of years, we might have girlfriends.
- Wanna hear something neat? Dr. Slawter says that I’m on a different evolutionary path than normal boys.
- The Townies are crazy; I saw them snooping around Bullworth a week ago, it looked like they were doing baaad stuff.
- Lola and Johnny are kina on the rocks, if girls didn’t have cooties; I’d totally kiss her!
- I’ve got a pretty keen sense of style.

Algie Papadopoulos:
- Oh, I wish I wasn’t afraid of going to the washroom alone.
- I think Gord’s been messing around with Lola, I-I just can’t believe that girl.
- Do write to your mom every day?
- Ted Thompson called me his little buddy; I think we might become friends!
- I mom says I’m really special.
- Lola told me she needs help with her homework; I think it’s just a cover for her liking me.
- Mommy writes to me every day, she’s so nice.
- Everyone at Bullworth is so mean!
- I changed my underwear today!
- I always get picked on, always-always-always!
- My mommy says that lots of kids pee in their bed, a-and it’s totally normal!
- Why do people have to be so yucky?
- Mommy calls me her precious prince Algernon, hehehehe.
- The washrooms are really yucky and scary.
- I heard a rumour that the football team will pick on someone other than me this year!
- Did y'ever have to hide from the Jocks all day?
- I’ve gone a whole day without being seriously beaten up!
- Jimmy told me he’d be president one day, for real!
- I heard Jimmy is going to go to prison!
- I put on clean pants this morning, just like mommy told me to.
- Did you ever ... y'know, cheat on a test?
- I think I’ve got some mayonnaise on my pants.
- I actually talked to a real girl today!
- Have you ever gone to the washroom by yourself?
- What I hate the most about school is that my mom can’t read me my bedtime stories.
- Next semester; I’m so going to cowboy-up, for sure!
- That spud cannon is the awesomest weapon ever!
- Condiments are just so disgusting, y'know? Especially mayonnaise, yuck!

3) Preppies
Bif Taylor:
- One of these days the Greasers are going down, and I’m gonna be the man that does it.
- I heard somewhere that rich people use a higher percentage of their brains.
- Did you hear? There’s a new kid coming to school, he’s supposed to be some type of badass.
- She’s been with almost the entire starting line-up; all she needs now is a left tackle and a slapback.
- My father donated all that money to build the new library, and yet I’m still forced to go to classes with these greaseballs.
- Things are gonna change at this school when I’m running things.
- I know that punk Jimmy is behind this somehow.
- You ever fight before?
- You ever been knocked out?
- So I hear it’s all about to pop off with the Greasers.
- When I have some free time, I might take Johnny Vincent down a peg.
- Did you see what happened to Mr. Burton? Heh, that was so awesome.
- You ever sneak out at night?
- It’s a fact that Greaser chicks are fifty percent easier to score with, but who would want to?
- I remember when being a student at Bullworth meant something.
- They let anyone in here now!
- I heard the Nerds are starting a war with the Jocks. They are screwed.
- This place has gone to the birds.
- I can’t believe how many of the have-nots the let into this place these days.
- I think we would be more competitive if we tossed some of the loser poor people out of the school.
- This place is going down...
- You ever go biking?
- I think my dad’s gonna bulldoze some low-income housing, that should eliminate some of the losers in this school.
- The carnival is coming back soon! I hope it doesn’t suck this year.

Pinky Gauthier:
- I don’t judge people on their clothes ... as long as they dress well.
- Lola’s so cheap. It’s obvious why she has all those Greaser boys wrapped around her fingers.
- My stepmom likes to borrow my clothes. She admires my tastes, you see.
- My daddy spoke to Crabblesnitch about making Jimmy head prefect!
- I heard we’ll be allowed to bring our own servants next year!
- My stepmother says Ms. Danvers is a tramp. She says she knows the type.
- I worry about not finding a good husband as I don’t have many cousins.
- Bif said that Hopkins boy is going to be boxing. He’s so rough!
- This year; it’s Aquaberry. Everybody is wearing it!
- Burton says we’re supposed to beat up the Mascot if he messes up, to help him get better.
- Mom and dad always try to show each other up, so I always get the best presents.
- So anyways, daddy says we’ll be going to Milan to shop!
- I lost another diamond earring yesterday, it’s so annoying!
- Daddy says he’ll give me an Italian convertible when I turn sixteen!
- I don’t plan on getting divorced until I’m at least thirty.
- I can’t believe it, but some kids actually wear the same uniform all year round!
- I wish I was allowed to socialise outside of daddy’s tax bracket.
- Why are there so many poor people everywhere?! It’s so annoying!
- My stepmother keeps borrowing my jewellery and not giving it back!
- Miss. Peabody says we’re not allowed to have anymore pillow fights!
- Sometimes my stepmother is so bossy, just because she’s six years older than me!
- I’m pretty sure it’s my fault that mom and dad got divorced.
- My daddy spoke to Crabblesnitch about having Jimmy expelled!
- I give my old clothes to less fortunate girls because I believe in charity.
- I hear some girls marry for money. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t have a trust fund.

Tad Spencer:
- If this year ends without me on top; my dad will string me up!
- I guess friendship means nothing around here.
- Come on admit it, you’ve lead panty raids in the past.
- They’ll have a hard time topping last year’s carnival.
- When I get through with him; you’ll see that Peanut isn’t hard to crack.
- This is the year I’m going to take those greaseballs out forever.
- That game was messed with, you mark my words.
- You hear the junk Gary said about Jimmy?
- I think Thad’s lisp has gotten even worse this year.
- Once I made my dad cake for his birthday and he stabbed me with a pitchfork!
- What’s a prep school coming to when alliances actually work?!
- Galloway can’t even find his way home some night, he’s so plastered.
- You can’t trust anybody, anymore.
- I only have to work on getting people to distrust one another even more.
- This whole school is just like a giant version of my dad!
- I’ll bet it’s some Nerd in that mascot uniform, maybe Melvin.
- Wait until Gary hears what I’m going to tell him about Jimmy.
- That Nerd Thad hit Peanut on the head with a yardstick and nothing happened, can you believe that?
- I know Jimmy’s doing something for Edna.
- Derby might not be so happy with Bif after I have a chat with him.
- Ever see Galloway on a bender?
- If only I wasn’t so worthless; I would be on top, not Derby!
- Looks like the greasebags found some derelict dump to move into.
- Ever sneak into Crabblesnitches office at night?
- That weasel Jimmy is more than he seems.
- Are you one of those people who sneak into the kitchen and see what Edna’s cooking?
- I’ve heard Gary’s getting all buddy-buddy with the new kid.
- I wouldn’t go near the industrial zone, there’s something going down around there.

Chad Morris:
- There’re more poor kids around here than we first thought.
- My calculator watch costs more than Mr. Galloway’s car.
- This shirt brings out the colour in my eyes.
- Did you slip that stuff into Edna’s pot?
- The pressure of being popular is sometimes too much, too many people looking at me with these jealous eyes. I don’t think these punks understand the pain I’ve been through!
- I was too big for the glee club. Too many ideas, y'know?
- You ever get those cufflinks you wanted?
- Prep verses Greaser, the final countdown. Man ... this is going to explode!
- I failed Biology and my dad won’t pay for an A.
- You can never be too young for twenty-four carat gold.
- Those Greasers like to make out with old ladies, they’re sick!
- Johnny Vincent’s parents are in jail.
- You wanna know how Larry got the nickname Peanut? Yeah, that’s how.
- Derby’s got what it takes this semester.
- This shirt is uxbury ultra tweed, only sixty-four in the whole world.
- ...I said to them, "If you’re not with us; you’re with the Greasers".
- The hairspray from those Greasers is wrecking the ozone!
- Save the environment? Bunch of dirty dropouts.
- This Jimmy kid wrecked the class system we worked so hard to build.
- Did you miss that class?
- Pinky’s dad just bought her an ice cream factory. Like, the whole thing!
- Jealous people can’t touch me, I’m Chad you know?
- These Nerds have like, zero sense of humour.
- I can afford to break the rules, I’m a Prep!
- You ever finish that sailing course?
- The Jocks aren’t going to be on the top for long.
- School’s almost done, I’ve got some girls in Nantucket waiting for me.

Bryce Montrose:
- Social climbing means stepping on people to get ahead. It’s the way of things.
- Father tells me my inheritance is so vast, the bank had to open a new branch to manage it.
- I hear Gary has a new flunky; some kid named Jerry or Jimmy or Jesse or something.
- Did you hear that the Nerds hacked into the school computers and changed their own grades?
- People say the Greasers are being extorted by biker gangs!
- This Jimmy guy trying to get in good with us? Gary says his dad is that bum that begs all the time!
- Father says liars and scoundrels are the ones who make it too the top.
- To be honest, I really work at the Golf & Yacht lub to pay my way through Bullworth.
- I’m making valuable contacts at the Golf & Yacht club. One guy offered me a VP job when I finish at Bullworth.
- Dad says people only respect two things; money and influence.
- Y'know I sign off on every applicant to the Golf & Yacht club.
- You ever apply to the Golf & Yacht club?
- Making it in the real world means a lot of backstabbing.
- That despicable Jimmy is back on his terror campaign against Preps. Gary was right, he is jealous of our good breeding.
- Ever have to work your way through school?
- People say that Johnny Vincent’s loose girlfriend made him insane. With no leader those stupid Greasers will be history.
- I’ve heard that Mr. Galloway will change your grade for a case of vodka.
- I must confess; I exaggerate things about myself sometimes just to impress my peers.
- Have you ever discovered someone wasn’t who you thought they were?
- They say the Jocks like to hug and sweat and squeeze each other tight in the hole.
- Sometimes I worry that the other Preps will find out the truth about me and disown me.
- I’ve heard destitute Townies are stealing electricity from Bullworth!
- I hear Jimmy secretly got rid of Gary so he could be the king of the school, some people will do anything for status.
- I hear that stinking Greaser-queen Lola is fooling around with all of us Preps, some people will do anything for status.
- Have your parents ever borrowed on their home mortgage?
- The Golf & Yacht club begged father all last summer to lend my services to them.
- The real truth is my inheritance has gone to my father’s gambling, booze and women.
- This Jimmy Hopkins guy has supposedly been telling everyone how desperate he is to join the Preps.

Parker Ogilvie:
- Girls are just after money, y'know? Especially the pretty ones.
- ...and they said my Aquaberry was a fake! Oh, I was so offended.
- Johnny Vincent’s been stewing in a jealous rage over Lola.
- Dr. Crabblesnitch is making Hopkins a prefect, even though it’s his first year!
- Daddy said he’d put my sister into his will too!
- I told him I’d be his friend as long as no one saw us together in public.
- The Greasers destroyed the club and stole all the trophies!
- She told me it’s normal to buy diamonds for a girl on a third date.
- Poor people are so obnoxious, especially those Greasers.
- It’s impossible to get a girlfriend around here!
- Did you ever spar with Bif? He’s quite good.
- Did you ever pretend not to care to make a girl like you?
- We could never be friends, he just dresses too badly.
- Bif completely dominated his opponent!
- Oh I was so stupid; I gave a whole dollar to a beggar!
- Everyone hates someone, should be a real fun party.
- Ever been to New York? That’s where everyone who matters goes, y'know.
- Have you tried to convince a girl to go out with you without buying her expensive things?
- I paid twenty-five dollars for someone to write my essay, and I only got a B!
- Poor people can’t even afford servants, awful way to live.
- Derby says not to mingle with the new kid, as he’s very low class.
- I’m pretty sure she has a big crush on me.
- Girls prefer men with money and class, so I’ll get one soon.
- The Nerds have built a secret hideout somewhere.
- If you wear cologne, it makes it much easier to attract girls.
- Derby says I’m cool, so it must be true.
- I always believed you should judge a man on his secretary.
- Poor people are lazy and lack proper breeding.

Justin Vandervelde:
- I hit a filthy Greaser in the back of the head with an egg, it was perfect.
- It’s hard to develop real friendships at Bullworth; everyone’s just using each other!
- Sometimes I don’t think I’m interested in girls, you know?
- Hopkins is set to take over the whole school, mark-my-words.
- My dad arranged for me to get perfect marks this year.
- Did you hear about Lola and Gord? Just goes to show that Preps are superior to Greasers in every way.
- You ever try to bribe a teacher?
- Gary was saying bad things about Jimmy, I think it’s just jealousy.
- Sometimes I don’t think I keep my lessers in their place; they might get the wrong idea!
- The Greasers try to act tough because they know they don’t have a future.
- You can always judge a person by the quality of their clothes.
- Ever manage to hit someone with an egg?
- Derby told me last night I was his best friend.
- I’m worried that I’m not shallow enough; people might think I’m a Nerd!
- Greaser girls are easy; they have to be, because they’re so low class.
- Mr. Hattrick used to work for my father, it is quite useful sometimes.
- The Greasers use old frying oil to style their hair, I’m sure of it.
- Some of the teachers here can’t be bought, it’s an outrage!
- Have you ever wanted to hang out with the Jocks?
- My egg throwing has been off; I think the pressure of school is getting to me!
- There are way too many undesirable at this school.
- This will be the year that we finally put the Greasers in their place!
- I think I’ll skip university and go straight into my father’s business.
- I’m sure all those things Gary said about Jimmy were true.
- Dr. Slawter was ranting about the plant at Harrington House again, I think he’s crazy.
- You ever get caught cheating on a test?
- It really is a pity that the Preps and the Jocks don’t gang up on the Greasers.
- You can get away with anything if you have enough money.

Gord Vendome:
- I’m beginning to think it’s true; money can’t buy love, it’s awful!
- I can’t believe they’re gonna grade based on accomplishment, my family has given so much to Bullworth!
- He was wearing athletic shoes outside the gym; obviously we can’t talk to him anymore.
- Why are there so many low class people around? It’s aggravating!
- Did you get to stay in that palace in Venice?
- Have you ever dressed in all Aquaberry clothes? It’s a wonderful feeling.
- The other day I wore a sweater that was a year old; I felt horrible!
- Hey, have you ever tried harassing-the-homeless? It’s great fun.
- None of the new kids have any breeding whatsoever, very disappointing.
- Did you hear? Jimmy Hopkins took Johnny Vincent to school! Oh, I wish I’d been there.
- I can’t believe they let poor people vote, it’s just so ... unreasonable!
- I heard Chad got beat up by those Greaser scumbags in New Coventry.
- Derby says Jimmy Hopkins is the biggest disappointment since universal suffrage.
- I can never decide which aftershave to wear, it’ll probably get even worse once I actually start shaving.
- Did you get those designer shoes I showed you?
- Women love me; it’s a fact!
- I’m worried about my grades, I was a little late with the special success fee.
- Did you hear they have a sale on Aquaberry? Quite unfortunate.
- Derby says that it’s okay to date trashy girls like Lola, just as long as you don’t bring her to any parties.
- I got caviar on my favourite shirt last night; I’m absolutely devastated.
- There won’t be as many undesirables at law school, can’t wait.
- My daddy says they’ll triple the tuition, keep the riff-raff out, y'know?
- Johnny Vincent says he’s got his eye on me, I-I’m a little worried.
- I really like dressing well, y'know? Makes me feel good.
- Don’t tell anyone but Lola and I have been ... y'know, having fun.
- I’ll take on all those Greasers, they don’t scare me!
- I heard Hopkins is gonna do something spectacular! Don’t know what it is but, sure to be impressive.
- Derby’s been saying it’s time to remind those Greaser scumbags of their inferior status.

4) Greasers
Norton Williams:
- You know I always got Johnny’s back but he’s startin' to get a lil' crazy about this chick.
- One day I think I’m gonna demolish that stupid Preppy frat house.
- The only thing more corrupt than real boxing, is Bullworth boxing.
- Do you ever go down to the hole?
- I’m tellin' you, those Nerd-tards are up to somethin'; they’re actin' all crazy and more anti-social than usual.
- One of these days I’m gonna set those Preppies straight!
- This is so messed.
- This school is goin' down in flames.
- Everyone’s lost their damn minds.
- I gotta stop solving problems with my fists.
- Man, I really blew that one.
- I can’t remember the last time I lost a fight.
- Have you ever seen any of those dropout losers hold down a job, because I haven’t.
- The new kid looks like a wannabe Preppy to me.
- When I get outta here, I get to demo a house.
- I heard some Townie kid snuck onto our campus yesterday.
- You ever demo a house?
- How do those Townie jerkwads know so much about our school?
- Ever been to the comic store?
- I heard those Jocks play naked-twister.
- I jus' know that lil' twerp is the reason Johnny went missing.
- These Preppies are gettin' outta control.
- You ever sneak into the girl’s dorm?
- This place blows!
- This place is overrun with lazy, rich jerkwads.
- I think Johnny’s chick is a lil' outta pocket.
- I heard the Nerd-tards have some type of secret fort or somethin', somewhere.

Lola Lombardi:
- Did you hear what Mandy said about me? What a b*tch!
- He’s so mean to me sometimes; I don’t know what to do!
- I can get any boy I want.
- I heard the parties at Harrington House are really good.
- Guys are so full of themselves sometimes.
- She’s nothing special but they still got into this huge fight over her.
- Have you ever ... y'know, kissed someone?
- No one pays enough attention to me!
- He’s been passing me all these notes in class, what a dork.
- I heard that the new boy is a dangerous thug; it’s so exciting!
- The boys have been going crazy over me; I just don’t know what to do!
- Jimmy Hopkins was saying he wanted to take me out; I think I just might let him.
- Guys are such selfish jerks!
- Did you go to the Blue Balls pool hall? It’s cool.
- So ... did you ever hang out with a girl like me before?
- There’s gonna be another pillow fight tonight!
- Johnny was saying he’s gonna go teach those Preppies a lesson, he gets so angry sometimes.
- Have you ever gotten someone else to do your homework for you?
- He told me he liked me because of my personality, isn’t that sweet?
- He said he’d dump me but I told him we weren’t even going out in the first place.
- It’s been a week, so I’m beginning to get a little worried.
- Johnny and I went on the best date ever.
- So now he says he’s in love with me, pfft what an idiot.
- I’m getting so old; my life is almost over!
- Me and Johnny are pretty much through. Did you hear that Jimmy beat him?
- Sometimes I worry that boys aren’t everything.
- I got these new pants, and they really make me look good.
- I think maybe boys just like me because I hot!
- All the boys are always fighting over the stupidest things, it’s so annoying.
- Did you ever go on a date and not make out?
- Johnny’s been acting all jealous lately, he’s so passionate.

Ricky Pucino:
- Lola’s doin' it for sure; it’s driving Johnny crazy ... poor guy, love hurts man.
- Galloway’s makin' me redo my essay jus' because I handed in my brother’s old one, like that matters!
- Those Jocks p*ss me off, they think they’re so tough? I’ll show 'em tough.
- I’ve gotta fix like, eight bikes tonight. I can do it though, no problem; I’m Ricky!
- Real life STARTS when we get outta this cr*p-hole.
- You see Gary’s been hanging around that new kid? That guy looks like trouble.
- I think I might be over her now, y'know?
- I haven’t seen Johnny around for a while, wonder what he’s up to?
- I don’t know if I got the strength to fix another bike; I’m kinda sick of it! Fix-fix-fix!
- Melvin and some Nerd girl were playin' seven minutes in heaven, bet they just talked about algebra!
- Could there be any more losers at this school? Seriously.
- Girls are useless; they jus' screw you around.
- I threw out every picture I have of had, an' I feel great; like a big weight is lifted y'know?
- You get your rocks off with Mandy yet, or what?
- I don’t wanna be alone anymore man; I’m sick of being such a loser with the ladies!
- There’s some party going on near my place tonight, I was invited so I’ll probably show up!
- You hear about Mr. Burton’s little fetish? That guy’s such a perv, the girls 'round here are like a quarter of his age.
- You hear Mr. Burton busted the Jock for having one of their contests in the locker room?
- I heard that dweeb Cornelius got a B in some English test and lost it on Galloway!
- Has Lola showed you any pics of her cousin? Man, she’s cute.
- I heard Mandy’s hot cousin was visiting, and I heard she’s waaay easy.
- Honestly? I don’t think I’ll ever be happy again. Not without her.
- My mom’s been such a pain lately; keeps tellin' me to clean up my act! I ain’t no Prep, y'know?
- I don’t know what the hell’s goin' on; Jimmy messes everythin' up an' all hell breaks loose.
- You ever go off that sweet jump near the factory?
- What’s the point, man? It’s not like anybody at this school is happy, everyone’s p*ssed off or depressed.
- Somethin's goin' on between Galloway and Hattrick, they’re always shootin' each other dirty looks.
- Tad’s rich daddy bought him a new ride because the old one had a warped wheel. I could’ve fixed that.
- You ever had a broken heart, like; "bottom of the barrel, no hope in hell, I hate my life"-type stuff?

Peanut Romero:
- I’m really gonna help Johnny bang some heads this semester.
- Ever try to sneak by Miss. Peabody for some smokes?
- The next chump who calls me Peanut, is dead.
- I can’t believe Jimmy turned out so good, so fast!
- Why doesn’t Lola ever notice me?
- Where’s Johnny? Has anybody seen Johnny?
- I’ve got a score to settle with that hero Jimmy.
- Everyone thinks bigger is better around here.
- Johnny is going to show everyone who’s the boss around here.
- Everyone learns the hard way.
- Did Nurse McRae ever give you medicine that gave you a rash?
- Last time I saw her; Lola made eyes at me, not Johnny.
- I think Galloway is on the verge of total nutso-land.
- Durin' summer break, I took down five kids on the baseball field.
- I wish Johnny would believe me about Lola!
- I’m gonna practice some of those new bike moves.
- Have you ever snuck out with Lola?
- I think that hero Jimmy is a real patsy.
- If Johnny finds out, he’s gonna kill me!
- Even when I was like five; nobody messed with me.
- Don’t know what’s worse; Bullworth, or the stupid town it’s IN!
- That Lola? I dunno.
- I really screwed up!
- Johnny is too good for Lola if you ask me.
- Why am I still IN this stupid school?!
- I hope Johnny’s not p*ssed off at me.
- Ms. Phillips is SO into me.
- You ever messed with the carnies?
- Those Preps think they’re such hot stuff, just 'cause they have bank accounts.

Lefty Mancini:
- If I don’t get outta here soon, someone’s gonna get hurt.
- It just sucks that smokin's bad for you.
- Ever stand up a date to work on your bike?
- I’ve got the best hair in all of Bullworth.
- 'kay Ms. Danvers knows she wants me.
- Jimmy’s a good friend of mine, okay. We go waaay back, y'know?
- Ey, I think Ted’s kind of a wimp.
- Girls around here were pretty stuck up until I showed them what’s what.
- I’m gonna go out tonight, y'know ride my bike and get-some.
- Food aroun' here smells like doo-doo!
- The Jocks really think people care about their stupid game when all they wanna do is check out the cheerleaders.
- This year we’re gonna take the Preps out good, it’s for sure.
- I didn’t get any last night again!
- I heard the Townie’s are so inbred, they need to eat-out livers to survive.
- Sometimes, I wonder what I did for my parents to send me here.
- You get any action at the carnival last year?
- I wish stealin' bikes was easier.
- Y'know Luis and I grew up together? The Jocks just like him 'cause he can kick all their asses.
- I saw Cornelius hold hands with another dude, seriously!
- Y'know Ms. Danvers used to dress up as a rabbit and pose in magazines?
- Next to Bullworth I hate Preppies best!
- The rumble with the Preps is on, okay jus' you wait.
- Lola told me she was gonna become a nun when she graduates.
- I heard Dr. Slawter really hates Derby Harrington, heh, me too.
- The school crest is so cr*p!
- Ever see what Mr. Galloway keep’s in his desk?
- Ey, that prefect Max is so stuck up; I bet he has a yardstick up his dumper.
- Ever sneak into the girl’s locker room?

Hal Esposito:
- I’m gonna start up a club, like a fight club, only instead of fighting we’ll eat cheeseburgers.
- She’d be hotter with some meat on her bones.
- What’s with all the skinny twerps in this place all of a sudden?
- Sometimes at night I look in the mirror, pinch my gut and then cry myself to sleep.
- I heard that crazy hobo’s back on campus. Maybe if he spent his money on food instead of booze, he wouldn’t be so homeless.
- What is this world comin' to when no one respects the Greasers?!
- I eat carbs with every meal.
- My mom’s therapist says my overeating is a form of self-medication ... whatever that means.
- Have you tried to fix up a bike yet?
- The only thing wrong with Mr. Hattrick selling test answers is that the pr*ck charges too much.
- Did you hear the Jocks got busted playin' naked-twister last night?
- Look at me; I have man-boobs!
- I heard she throws up after every meal. Would you do that?!
- I heard they had Johnny locked up in the asylum, that would suck so hard!
- You ever see Edna the lunch lady bend over? It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
- Have you scored yet?
- I eat six meals a day.
- This place is sucking WAY harder than it used to.
- I heard Jimmy was behind the whole thing!
- I only eat when I’m hungry ... and when I wanna hide from emotional pain.
- Lola’s such a ho, but that’s what Johnny get’s for dating such an emaciated little twig.
- I don’t get Preppies. They have all that cash, but they don’t spend it on food!
- Y'know what? I don’t care if she’s old, I’m gonna take a run at that hot lunch lady.
- I know this is a prep school but this place is being overrun with Preppies!
- I think it may be time to take the Preppies down again.
- You ever been inside the Preppy frat house?
- I know the lunch ladies old but ... if she was younger I’d take a run at her. She’s got the hottest body I’ve ever seen!

Vance Medici:
- That Johnny’s gotta relax about Lola, h-he’s gonna explode! Big time!
- I hear Derby’s gonna be a dead man by the end of the week.
- My hairspray demand outweighs the supply.
- This summer at the carnival I uh ... well heh, y'know.
- The squares at this school are so-lame!
- Watch out for Russell, I hear he was in a psycho-ward.
- Every chick at Bullworth’s got the hots for me.
- Those Preps are plannin' somthin', I can sense it!
- I saw Mandy an' Ted in the locker room; make-out city!
- Ms. Phillips wasn’t wearin' a bra today, I could tell.
- I got dibs on my daddies bike when he kicks-it.
- Y'ever accidentally swallow a switchblade?
- Those Preps think money can make 'em cool!
- This rash on my thigh, i-it’s turnin' green!
- I got hickies in places I can’t even show you.
- Someone saw Johnny Vincent by the football field, I swear!
- Sometimes I feel a lil' too handsome, y-y'know what I mean?
- Y'ever make-out at the freak show?
- Y'ever wanna look like me?
- Those Preps tried to set my hair on fire!
- They hooked up his underwear on the door-knob, an' then slammed it real hard.
- Keep this secret, but I don’t think Lola is the faithful type.
- I hear Johnny’s not doin' too well ... pretty bad in fact.
- Thinkin' about that Preppy-scum makes my hair wilt!
- Hair can be so ... flammable, y'know?
- Once I crush these Preppies; we’ll be made in the shade.
- I found that combin' my hair, smoothes my mind out.
- Someone told me, Gary’s hidin' out in the observatory watchin' all of us.
- Has a horse ever kicked you in the tchotchkes?

Lucky De Luca:
- Jocks won’t be messin' with us; they know we'll give 'em too much grief.
- Looks like Gary was right; Hopkins is nothing but a scheming, selfish jerk.
- So what’s wrong with broads lately? They all jus' shrug me off!
- How much, do you wanna bet; I’m gonna be gettin' some girl in less than an hour?
- Don’t tell anyone, but I think Lola’s up to no good.
- So I say this year’s gonna be my best year when it comes to the ladies.
- So there’s some new kid makin' waves around the school, I heard he’s tryin' to get with Pinky.
- This place doesn’t appreciate a man who can work with his hands!
- Well, I’m pretty good with the women; that’s for sure.
- Bet you never rebuilt an engine.
- So now everybody loves this Hopkins kid. What a croc! I know he’s bad news, period!
- So all the new dorks are gettin' in. Gary was talkin' about one of them bein' pretty cool.
- Ever ridden a real bike?
- I heard that Hopkins is gonna set up the Jocks next, I can’t wait!
- If you drop outta school; your life is pretty much over ... better to stay in, even if you suck.
- What’s wrong with kids now, man? They’re all such wimps and dorks!
- Well, I guess I’m not the nicest guy around ... but who’s countin', right?
- Do you ever race?
- I can’t understand why kids wouldn’t wanna learn how to fix things, y'know?
- Cheerleaders are easy; I’ve read enough magazines to know it’s true.
- The teachers are always on my case; it’s such a hassle, man!
- Yeah, so when that broad told me she wanted to dump me; I beat her to it!
- Y'ever changed a tire?
- He said he should’ve known better than to mess with us, an' that he’d never been beaten so badly in his life!
- When I picked a fight with that boxer; I did lose, but c’mon I was tired, y'know?
- Yeah ... y'know, I hate all those clean, nice kids; who think they got everthin' figured out.
- Those Nerds are so d*mn annoying. It’s like they’re being dorky on purpose, just to make you beat them.
- Yeah, I’m probably the best mechanic around.

5) Jocks
Damon West:
- I can’t wait for the big game, I think I might break out the Heisman pose after my first big sting.
- My last paper was a C. I need to get a new kid to do my homework 'cause I think my current one is busted or somthin'.
- He scores more off the field than we do on the field.
- I’m losin' my edge!
- What’s goin' ON with this place?!
- I heard there’s some crazy hobo dude around here teachin' kids to fight.
- I heard Jimmy burned down the gym 'cause they were gonna start makin' his stink-butt take showers after gym class.
- I don’t know why these Preppy kids think they so tough.
- Is it just me or are the kids comin' up lookin' a little weak to you?
- Those Nerds are startin' to get a little too lippy.
- I don’t care if it wasn’t Jimmy; I STILL hate that punk!
- Have you ever caught Mr. Galloway drinkin'?
- We’re SCREWED!
- All she needs now is a tackle and a slapback; at least I was first.
- People would respect us more if I were runnin' things instead of Ted.
- You ever play ball?
- Have you ever fought a bear?
- When I go pro I’m gonna get a fatass crib with a fatass chick to go with my fatass check.
- I’m gettin' lazier!
- The Greasers and the Preppies are goin' at it, huh? Personally, I hope the Greasers win.
- I throw my body around with reckless abandon.
- I don’t get why all these rich kids are boxin' now.
- If only everything could be decided with violence.
- Bullworth has really gone downhill man, I’m over this place.
- You ever get that tinglin' feelin' in your head right after you tackle someone?
- I’m jus' waitin' for the right moment, but I’m gonna make my move soon. This school don’t know what gonna hit 'em.

Mandy Wiles:
- There are just so many losers in this world, it’s so annoying!
- Oh my g*d, Beatrice is such a dork! She thought she could hang out with me just because I copy my assignments from her.
- Jimmy is just like ... so cool, I heard Mr. Burton is going to make him captain of the football team!
- Maybe Lola’s are bigger, but mine are definitely perkier ... for sure.
- Why do so many dweebs wanna talk to me? Don’t they know I’m like, totally out of their league?
- Mr. Burton’s such a nice man; he’s always helping out with cheerleader practice, y'know?
- I’m like, a natural born leader, that’s why I’m the captain of the cheerleading squad.
- Have you ever had too many people ask you out on a date?
- Did you hear about that plant they keep in Harrington House? Those Preps are so weird! If it wasn’t for the money they’d be total Nerds!
- Everyone who’s not a total loser is voting for Ted in the student council election.
- Have you ever tried to imagine what it’s like to be a Nerd?
- I got this huge zit the other day, my life is over!
- Ms. Phillips obviously used to be one of those weird drama club kids, no wonder she got divorced and had to become a teacher.
- Have you ever been to New Coventry?
- What is it with homework anyways? Don’t they know I have cheerleading practice?!
- He obviously has the hots for me. Not that I can blame him, I mean who doesn’t, right?
- Have you ever copied someone’s homework?
- I can’t believe I had to sit next to that Nerd Melvin! Like, doesn’t anyone care about my feelings?!
- Lola’s got Johnny all wound up, the poor guy. He should forget about that tramp and try out for the football team.
- Can you believe that Jimmy psychopath? Gary was right about him all along!
- No one appreciates how much hard work it is to be this popular!
- There are just too many boys trying to get a date with me, it’s such a hassle!
- I’ve heard the swim team shaves all their body hair!
- I’m guaranteed to pass math this year and I don’t even have to study!
- The worst thing about being beautiful is that everyone’s jealous, y'know?
- Did you see Pinky in that skirt? Ugh, poor girl; she’s definitely getting fat.
- I think I’m gonna ostracise Beatrice this week, she’s been annoying me.
- I am so sure to get a cheerleading scholarship for college!
- Can you believe Lola? I bet she’s been with at least half the boys at this school just to make Johnny jealous.
- It’s not like anyone actually cares about the game, they’re all there for the awesome cheerleading!
- It’s like ... I’m the queen of Bullworth! It’s a lot of pressure y'know, but totally worth it!
Casey Harris:
- Next year, I’m gonna dominate the field!
- The party’s gonna be kickin', man.
- Don’t tell, but sometimes ... I worry that I might not make the team.
- Did you make that Nerd do your homework for you?
- Why do they even let those Nerds GO to Bullworth?!
- Did you get that anti-fungal cream yet?
- Galloway’s hittin' the bottle again for sure, just like dad.
- Aw man, I have to retake English a third time.
- I’m probably the best looking guy at Bullworth!
- Mr. Burton worked those guys so hard; they puked!
- Nerds just make me angry; they think they’re so smart!
- Mr. Burton has a new playbook for the big game; I heard Jimmy’s going to be the quarterback!
- You don’t need to know how to read if you can tackle, the army will still take you.
- I shaved my chest and it’s SO itchy!
- Mr. Burton’s new workout is really tough.
- Somebody said there’s gonna be a big rumble.
- Those Nerds always play Grottos & Gremlins.
- Mr. Galloway is gonna fail me again this year.
- Did you ever apply for an athletic scholarship?
- I snuck into the girl’s dorm, but I got locked in the laundry room all night!
- Gary told me Jimmy is sexually confused.
- Did you ever make out with one of the Townie girls?
- That Lola chick is totally into me.
- I’ll whoop ANY Nerd who thinks he’s better than me.
- Ted finally got together with Mandy, lucky b*stard.
- If you put Vaseline on your head, the helmet won’t chafe.
- Girls always play hard to get, they’re so immature!

Bo Jackson:
-  Sometimes being a Jock can really suck; they’re just such a-holes.
- Well I’m glad she rejected me, I woulda screwed up the date anyways.
- I’m gonna try out for QB next year, I’ve decided.
- Have you ever been to the funhouse? It’s wicked, you gotta go!
- Hopkins is a crafty little snot, he’s hanging with both Preps AND Greasers.
- I wish I coulda said goodbye one last time. I miss her. She was the best d*mn pet a guy could have.
- Maybe I had the wrong idea about the Hopkins kid ... maybe, but maybe not.
- There’s something wrong with a man who’s supposed to be teaching us about novels and poems, that’s in a madhouse!
- You ever try out the big squid over at the carnival?
- So, you ever been deer hunting with your old man?
- Hopkins is a cheat and a rat; and he’s gonna get what’s comin' to him.
- That Hopkins is turning into a real problem; I may just have to give the creep a piece of my mind.
- That Gary Smith guy is chummin' around with some new guy ... I dunno what that’s about.
- I need to work on my arm if I’m ever gonna make QB.
- Y'know, there’s a new girl around town. She looks pretty easy.
- I saw some of the teachers smoking the other day, what kind of example are they trying to set?
- I can’t wait to hit that Carnival that’s in town; it’s gonna rule!
- Good thing about this school; the teachers really do care about us.
- Look around; this could all be gone in a flash! Poof!
- Y'know sometimes I just gotta get outta this place!
- If I don’t get to be QB, I might switch schools. The Jocks here are so annoying sometimes.
- Ever strapped a pack of cherry bombs to a rat?
- I can’t believe I failed English! The teacher’s all liquored-up and I still choke.
- My old man says I’m the best QB he’s seen since eighty-six!
- Feel’s like I’ll never get outta Bullworth.
- My arms gettin' better; that’s for sure.

Kirby Olsen:
- Ever see one of my amazing plays on the football field?
- Ted is always looking down on me, I can tell.
- I know someone sabotaged the game!
- You haven’t seen Edna in her underwear have you?
- The rumour is that Hopkins is trying to get everyone to fight each other.
- I’ve heard that Edna’s gonna quit if she can’t get a vacation.
- Every girl in this school wants to go out with me.
- Could the guys be laughing at me behind my back?
- I think the other guys think I’m just Ted’s light.
- Ever sneak into the girl’s locker room?
- I think Hopkins was the one who burned down our gym!
- I’m gonna win that football game single-handed this year.
- I’ve heard that all Crabblesnitch’s pets end up in Edna’s meat locker, heh heh.
- You hear that half of last year’s carnies died from some rare disease?
- The big gossip is the Preps and the Greasers are gonna try and take each other out.
- Man, I hope Ted doesn’t make me wide receiver this year.
- It’s not like the old days; all the Nerds get ahead now.
- Just 'cause I can play sports, doesn’t mean anything off campus.
- The word is that the new kid thinks he can rule Bullworth by spring, heh.
- Have you ever spent a lecture hanging out in the John?
- I’ve heard Ms. Phillips will invite you to her house for private lessons.
- I’ve heard one of the Preps is gonna suicide bomb the Greasers, heh heh.
- I was the youngest in Bullworth history to get a varsity letter.
- I hate how the Nerds are always the ones who become famous.
- The guys really rely on me these days.
- You hear that Lola’s been two-timing her blind-moron boyfriend?
- There’s a rumour that someone’s gonna screw up the game.
- Time was; a guy who was good at sports was top dog forever ... not now.

Juri Karamazov:
- I am the strongest man at Bullworth.
- With a proper neck-lock, you can knock an enemy out in three seconds.
- Did you ever take any supplements to increase your muscle mass?
- Prep parties are great, the boys are scared and the girls love you.
- Girls are simple, they like strong men. Some of them don’t know it though.
- Sometimes ... my strength cannot solve every problem!
- I am unsure of my friendship with Luis.
- I hear Hattrick likes to torment Galloway, the strong always rule.
- The Preps and Greasers are finally deciding who are the least girly.
- I can do two-hundred push-ups. Did you know that?
- The football game will be good, but not as good as wrestling match.
- The kids around here are too wimpy, and they tattle too much!
- Have you ever wondered about the side effects of pharmaceuticals?
- Mr. Burton yelled at me again today ... I do not like that.
- The strong oppress the weak, that is way of world.
- Ms. Danvers has a thing for me; I can see it in her eyes.
- There are too many Nerds around here; they make me angry.
- All girls want me because I am strong.
- Jimmy was a fool; that is why he no longer rules.
- Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be of the opposite sex?
- Jimmy is the strongest here; that is why he rules.
- Girls don’t admit they love strong men, even though they all know it.
- I don’t think Nerds are actually human, they are sub-human.
- It is stupid that gifted athletes have to take English and classes like that.
- The new kids look extra puny this year.
- Hey, have you stuck a Nerd’s head in the toilet and flushed?
- I am going to humiliate some Nerds today.
- I think I pulled a muscle or something, n-not that I am whining.

Luis Luna:
- Can’t trust nobody; not even your own crew sometimes.
- Ever do fifty push-ups with a girl sittin' on you?
- I finally got this cool shirt; I’m sleepin' with it every night.
- The Greasers think Norton’s tough because he works demolition, haha.
- Mandy just keeps givin' doesn’t she? You see the latest pictures, man?
- Did you know that that nutjob Max is walking around with a baton in his pants?
- Someone said they’d have wrestle matches instead of elections for student council.
- Did you ever break a guy’s wrist in an arm wrestle?
- I heard Jimmy’s gonna do something super cool, can’t wait to see what it is.
- I heard that Russell got into a fight the other day, and then couldn’t remember why afterwards!
- Someone told me Ms. Phillips sometimes comes to school not wearing any panties ... can y' tell?
- Guess what? I wrote my own words in my last paper!
- I heard they’re gonna change the wrestling uniforms again.
- My parents just want me to be "successive"; they can’t even say it right! Ugh.
- Gotta get outta this place, it’s a Prep prison!
- Hey, did you ever ... do your own math homework?
- Gary’s been saying all sorts of things about Hopkins.
- Teachers lie, we can’t be anything we wanna be; look at them!
- I try to do all my homework; I’m just not strong enough!
- I hear that Yum Yum Market keeps sellin' outta eggs ... I wonder why.
- I’ll bet Dr. Watts hasn’t gotten any in a long time. Wait, you think he’s a virgin?
- Have you ever made out with the fat girl?
- I could be the star of the team; if only I had better sneakers.
- How come I can’t be the kid who’s both really strong, AND really smart?!
- My biceps are feelin' nice an' hard!
- So everyone’s been kickin' it with Lola, huh?
- Gary says it’s all Jimmy’s fault.
- It’s hard to be a Jock; everyone thinks you gotta be funny all the time!
- I actually got a decent grade the other day in a class that wasn’t gym!

Dan Wilson:
- No matter how many times I punched that little jerk, I just wasn’t getting through to him!
- We’re gonna totally kick-ass in the big game.
- I totally destroyed a whole bunch of geeks this morning.
- Vance told Casey, that Lola’s gonna appear in a girly mag next summer.
- If I have to eat this lousy food for one more day; I swear I’m gonna puke!
- Have you ever pulled a wedgie so hard you snapped their underpants?
- J*sus, those Nerds really friggin' bug me.
- Did you ever p*ss on your own feet?
- We must have the worst headmaster in the world, he’s such a jerk!
- Who does that Jimmy Hopkins think he is anyways?
- Did you ever beat on Earnest?
- Juri said that Mr. Galloway drinks like a gallon of wine for breakfast.
- Sometimes, I just don’t feel like playing football!
- I recorded five tackles and two sacks in the last game.
- I heard Damon tried to make a move on Mandy behind Ted’s back!
- Have you ever seen Mandy’s ass?
- So that new kid Jimmy Hopkins thinks he’s tough does he?
- I’m gonna win a football scholarship as soon as I leave this dump.
- Beating on weaker kids just makes me feel good, y'know?
- Why are we stuck in the cr*ppy lil' school in this cr*ppy lil' town?
- Did you hear about Lola and Lefty? Johnny’s gonna be real mad.
- This school really sucks.
- Apparently Derby and Bif are gay for each other.
- So, haha ... Kirby admitted he had the hots for Eunice.
- Maaan, I’m fed up with those prefects. Who do they think they are anyway?
- I don’t know if I’ll ever be good enough for the NFL.
- Man, I wish my ears didn’t stick out so much.

6) Non-Clique Students
Christy Martin:
- Oh my g*d, did you see Mandy making herself sick in the toilets again?
- School elections are always rigged with money-changing hands.
- I like everyone; I like to hear everyone’s stories.
- The Preps say they have a secret plan to beat the Greasers.
- Ms. Phillips hits on male students.
- I swear she got a nose-job and she’s like, only twelve; it’s totally not cool.
- I never forget a rumour, once I hear it.
- Have you ever been to a school in a big city?
- Did you hear there was fresh blood on the floor of the hole?
- I keep my mouth shut when I have nothing to say.
- I think summer break should be like ... five months long.
- I hear almost all the Prep boys are carrying protection.
- Why do we have to do homework?
- I never tell a lie, unless it’s a white lie.
- I hear everyone is betting on the Jocks this year.
- I don’t like having Mr. Burton as a gym teacher, he’s such a creep!
- Have you ever spread a rumour that wasn’t true?
- Somebody said Gary is actually a LOT older.
- I don’t understand why people are so serious; it’s just school!
- I heard the Preps are taking a trip abroad once school lets out.
- Did you hear? Mr. Burton is in therapy after "that" incident.
- Did you ever start a rumour about yourself?
- Rumour has it; they’ll be more pictures of Mandy coming.
- It’s terrible that our privacy is invaded often!
- I’m so bored, sometimes I feel like I’M boring.
- I have to tell people what I know, I’m a communicator.
- I can’t STAND it here! What if I never leave Bullworth?!
- Have you seen a celebrity up-close?
- One time I spread a rumour about a girl, and she ran away!
- I’m going to move to a big city with big rumours.
- Lola’s made out at all the spots with new graffiti.
Constantinos Brakus:
- Ted and his cronies think they own this dump.
- What can go wrong; will go wrong.
- I was nominated for an award for that article I wrote in the school paper.
- Life sucks, an' then you die.
- I sometimes feel like it’s just not worth it, y'know?
- Yeah, I went to the girl’s dorm last night. They totally tired me out. They were all over me like most girls are.
- Great, so there’s rats in the library. How am I supposed to return my books then?
- Did I ever tell you that my parents actually dislike me?
- Apparently positive thinkers outlive pessimists. Great, so I’m going to die young AND miserable.
- There’s so much graffiti around these days! I think it makes this place look like even more of a dump.
- I’m in love with Pinky and she won’t even look at me.
- I’m working on the yearbook now, it’s gonna be awesome.
- Everyone else seems to have seen those pictures of Mandy! Everyone except me, of course.
- What’s with all these cliques? They suck!
- None of us will be able to get jobs when we leave school!
- Have you ever noticed how all the teachers hate us?
- Yeah, the Greasers wanted me to join them because of my hand-to-hand skills, but they’re sooo below me.
- Have you ever wondered what the point of all this is?
- I think Mr. Burton really hates everybody.
- I’m not a pessimist; I’m just in a bad mood. Permanently.
- Thank g*d, we can get out of this dump soon.
- I’m telling you; if you do a cyclone kick into the green fireball, you’ll get the katanas! My friend’s friend did it.
- Have you ever woken up in a good mood?
- I’m gonna leave here as soon as I can.
- What’s with the garden gnomes everyone seems to have in their yards? They suck.
- Those jerks think they own the top floor of the boy’s dorm.
- Have you ever tried to run away from school?
- I haven’t had any money stolen for a whole week!
- Edna never gives anyone enough food at mealtimes.
- This school is falling apart!

Ivan Alexander:
- My mum gave me these pills for my mood, I’m selling them off.
- Everybody should burn their homework and trash the cafeteria.
- I knew Jimmy back when he was a nobody.
- This-place-sucks.
- I’m only gonna take two naps a day this semester, tops.
- Stay away from those Townies; I hear they use Bullworth kids as dartboards.
- If this stuff stunts your growth; I must’ve lost two feet already.
- You ever sleep through gym class?
- I’ve got the face of a forty-two year old janitor.
- You ever wake up on the football field in your underwear?
- I heard they’re gonna do away with grades this year.
- My ex-girlfriend can tell I’m workin' out.
- People wanna stay awake like, all the time. What is that?
- I heard Mr. Galloway tried to chew his straightjacket off.
- I mum flipped me the bird and spit in my pancakes.
- I heard Mr. Burton got arrested at a strip club.
- Did you see my ex-girlfriend around here?
- I told them homework was against my religion ... I think it’s gonna work.
- I saw Edna blow snot into the meatloaf. No, I swear!
- The universe hates me.
- I heard, there’s gonna be twice the freaks at this year’s carnival.
- I’m gonna take a nap in the boiler room.
- You see those pictures of Mandy? They are too hot to handle.
- You ever try shaving?
- There’s a Nerd I know who’ll write term papers for real cheap.
- If I fail this exam; I have to go to school in Slovakia.
- Life stinks, then you graduate.
- This place is totally pathetic.
- Ted Thompson happens to be a close personal friend of mine.
- Ms. Phillips gave me her phone number.
- I heard Russell made a Nerd eat a whole branch off a tree.
Angie Ng:
- It’s so hard to tell if boys like you or are just, playing around.
- Someone keeps breaking into the dorm, it’s pretty creepy.
- There’s just so much to do; I’m totally stressing out!
- My parents are totally stressing me out, I worry about disappointing them!
- I heard Jimmy’s a really dreamy kisser *giggle*.
- Gary keeps telling everyone that it’s Jimmy’s fault and that he’s sexually confused *giggle*.
- I keep having this dream about staying up all night and hanging out with boys!
- Mandy’s actually pretty nice, once you get to know her.
- I’m worried that I’m not participating enough in class!
- *Infatuated giggle* Jimmy’s so dreamy, all the girls want him.
- I usually get good marks so my parents are pretty happy.
- I heard it’s best to avoid Mr. Burton’s gym class if you’re a girl ... or a boy, he’s just not nice!
- Did you ever try that lotion I lent you?
- I’ve been working really hard on those cheerleader routines after I made the team.
- Hey, did you hear? That new kid made out with Eunice.
- He kissed me, and I think I liked it *giggle*!
- *Giggle* some of the Nerds are actually pretty clever, y'know? I heard they have some sort of hideout.
- I don’t know what to do when boys talk to me, I just get so nervous!
- I always do my homework.
- D'you ever skip class?
- *Giggle* I swear I saw Edna put a cat into the stew the other day.
- Those Prep boys are so shallow, y'know? All about appearances, but they’re rotten inside.
- Have you ever ... y'know, been in love?
- Have you ever *giggle*, played with a bunny?
- Did you ever forget to take notes in class?
- I wish I was like Lola, not giving a damn about what anyone thinks.
- Sometimes it seems like the teachers don’t really care to teach us properly, y'know?
- *Giggle* Russell told me he was passing maths, I’m really surprised.
- *Giggle* I think he might like me, I don’t know what to do!
- It’s so hard to get good food in this town; I miss my mum’s cooking.
- Did you hear? The Preps are planning to do something to Jimmy. They’re so rotten!
- Ms. Danvers is always following Dr. Crabblesnitch like some sort of puppy, *giggle* it’s kinda sad.
- I heard Johnny’s all worked up about Lola, aw it’s so romantic.

Lance Jackson:
- The administration here is really good in spite of all the cr*p they have to put up with.
- I transpose everyone else’s problems onto myself. It’s like a cancer, it’s eating me alive!
- Winter’s here and surprise, surprise; all these people are still fighting and bickering amongst themselves.
- Have you ever tried to be cool?
- Have you ever like, been really judgemental?
- No one even reads anymore, it’s like everyone’s happy being stupid!
- I’m not perfect, not even close; but I go around telling people that motivation’s for doing stuff!
- I’m sick of this macho fighting-cr*p that goes on.
- Why does everyone gotta gossip so much? It’s pointless; utterly despicable!
- I thought people were nice, inherently good, y'know; but all anyone cares about is who’s cool.
- Everyone’s so fake; no one says what they mean!
- My folks say I’m a genius, I doubt it. I do read a heck of a lot though.
- I’m really happy that I’m above all this bullying-cr*p, it’s so immature, really.
- Y'know, I’m so hard on everyone around me, but I never judge myself!
- Kids would learn waaay more if they spent their time learning instead of bullying.
- Did you y'know, like brush your teeth this morning?
- The worst thing about this school is probably everyone’s lack of comradery.

Gordon Wakefield:
- I heard that Ricky can't even fix a bike now his girl's gone. Like, get over it.
- I hate how everyone wants equality all the time! It’s an easy concept to grasp; I’m smart and they’re not!
- Did you hear about Lance? He's like the biggest loser ever, I heard he can't even read!
- I can pull almost every trick on a bike. It's not even challenging anymore.
- My parents are so strict; I can only stay out until 2 am on school nights.
- I heard the Johnny has something big planned. Yeah, like that meathead and comprehend anything besides grease and gears.
- Everyone thinks they’re like so cool, but they’re obviously not measuring themselves up to me.
- I’m like ... ridiculously rich, incredibly smart and d*mn handsome. In short; I’m almost perfect.
- I hate that I can’t find anything wrong with myself, I mean ... that’s pretty hard to deal with.
- How am I supposed to keep my image if my parents drop my allowance to two hundred dollars a week?!
- I wish this school challenged me academically, I mean, I have offers from every Ivy League school already.
- This school is filled with losers, I’m so sick of losers!
- Mr. Galloway was so wasted in class today, like, hasn’t he heard of AA? Willpower dude, man...
- Did you ever try to do something just to look cool?
- I’m so sick of these stupid ugly people everywhere, like, get a life!
- I was rated in the top one percentile of the nation’s smartest children yesterday, I rule.
- Oh my g*d, I heard Bucky got busted watching his grandma shower; what a sicko!
- Your cousin said that your dad was getting a sex change; that’s weird man, like, ultra weird.
- You hear Mr. Luntz got caught taking tranquilisers? What a low-life loser!

Trevor Moore:
- It’s looks like the Preppies and the Greasers are gonna fight, which is just great because like, if there was anything this school needed it’s more fighting.
- Have you ever been to a dirt bike track?
- Kids fight so much here, you’d think it was a class.
- It seems like nobody goes to class anymore.
- One day, I’m gonna be an accountant.
- The kids are crazy in this school, i-it’s like there’s something in the water!
- I don’t like where this school is heading.
- I’m gonna be a valedictorian.
- This place is starting to get too crazy.
- I forget to have fun sometimes.
- I don’t have a lot of friends.

Ray Hughes:
- I hate to say it, but Bullworth is full of bullies.
- Have you ever been to the comic book store?
- I think if me and Jimmy were friends, he wouldn’t act out and like, burn down the gym and stuff.
- I don’t mean to sound mean but I think Johnny Vincent’s kind of a jerk. If I were Lola, I’d totally cheat on him.
- What’s wrong with this place?!
- I heard there’s some kind of underground racing league here, but it can’t be true.
- I heard the Jocks don’t even have to show up to class.
- This is so not how I expected this place to be.
- I don’t know what to think about this place anymore.
- I’ve never missed a day of school.
- I’m afraid of rats.
- I’ve never been on a date.
- I loooove Mondays.
- Have you ever played dodge ball?
- I heard we get to read Watership Down this year. I can’t wait, I love rabbits!
- Someone told me they saw a rat in the library, but I’ve never seen one.
- I’ve read those books in Elvish.
- Nobody likes me.

Eunice Pound: (Missing eighteen lines)
- There’s no place for bigger girls in this world.
- Oh my G*d, some of those teachers are so d*mn thin.
- I wanna go for him, but I’m sure he’ll just reject me.
- Ever been kicked out of an all-you-can-eat buffet?
- So have you ... y'know, got yours?
- This school, y'know, is just sooo mean!
- Why are people so judgemental?! Well ... I am a bit unforgiving.
- I mean, even if you’re not beautiful, it’s better than being a Nerd.
- Well it’s no mystery, I am overweight.
- I lost three pounds last year, this year *giggle* at least seven.

Melody Adams:
- This is supposed to be the best years of our lives, but look at this place!
- I get along with everyone!
- I don’t like to call people nerds!
- I can’t even get to class without being collateral damaged in a snowball fight!
- I think I focus too much on school sometimes.
- I think I’m going to get straight As this year.
- Have you ever been to the old observatory?
- I am so naive sometimes.
- Have you ever been to the carnival?
- This place is really getting scary.
- I really love art class.
- I really messed that up.
- Do you think that Johnny and Bif will fight each other?
- Do you ever go into town?
- I thought this school was supposed to be prestigious, but all I see is kids fighting and ditching class.
- Everyone seems to be jerks in this place.
- Have you ever kissed a boy?
- I think all this craziness will stop one day.
- I don’t know why everyone feels the need to fight so much at this school.
- I really don’t like where this school is heading.
- I wish I wasn’t so trusting.
- Have you ever been in a fight?
- Guys can be real jerks at this school sometimes.
- I think the Greasers get a bad rap at this school; they’ve always been nice to me!

Karen Johnson:
- The athletics program here SUCKS; it’s almost all for the boys.
- Have you ever been in a fight?
- There’s waaay too much fighting at Bullworth.
- Someone stole a bunch of stuff from the dorm; Mandy was saying she thought it was a ghost.
- I got the most points on the team, so I’m pretty happy.
- Why don’t they let girls play dodge ball? It’s so stupid; I know I’d be good at that game!
- Did you try out for a team?
- Did you ever work out?
- There’s way too much fighting at Bullworth, it’s like everyone has so many problems.
- I always say the wrong thing. I thought she was my friend, but now she won’t even talk to me.
- Edna told me that she went to a chefs school in Paris.
- I was one point short ... it was so disappointing.
- I have so much homework; I might have to miss practice.
- Next year I’m definitely gonna be on the team. I don’t want to be a cheerleader, I want to play.
- I’m gonna tell her that I don’t care about all that stupid drama, I just wanna play a good game.
- Someone saw this giant rat in the basement, as big as a dog!
- Dr. Crabblesnitch wouldn’t let me miss class to go to the finals, he’s so mean; I know I could’ve won!
- So I twisted my ankle and I might have to miss the next game...
- Johnny Vincent’s probably the best guy on a bike at Bullworth, the stuff he can do is crazy.
- Did you ever dress up like a boy to get to play?
- There was a big fight out by the bike racks, this kid got totally beat up; it was crazy!

Gloria Jackson:
- My peers are so anti-intellectual!
- We’ve lost the chaise Victorian ideals!
- Boys find my intelligence, threatening.
- Other girls tell me; that Jimmy fellow, hits girls.
- I wish my work ethic were recognised more often.
- Sources say the Preps conduct demonic séances.
- I was told that Mr. Galloway drinks wine with students.
- Ever take visitors on a historical tour of the academy?
- Have you studied Toynbee’s theory on evolving civilisation?
- I fear my sarcasm, isn’t very endearing.
- I feel as marginalised as Cassandra of Troy.
- The world is smitten with violence.
- Popularity is one insult I’m glad to avoid.
- My spectacles are vintage, y'know.
- I’d like to grow up to be secretary of state.
- Have you ever studied Carter G. Woodson?
- Sources say Lola’s slandering knows no bounds.
- I think self-knowledge is potent and brave.
- Have you ever been to the Bullworth archives?
- I’m a descendent of George Washington Carver, you know.

Pedro De La Hoya:
- I only cry myself to bed six nights a week these days.
- They’re gonna get me DRY sheets for tonight!
- I’ve heard that Jimmy’s taking care of Gary; that’s why we never see him.
- The problem with the world is that mama can’t be everywhere at once!
- So ... did you hear that there were worms in Edna’s spaghetti?
- Between you and me; I think someone’s out to get me!
- Did you know that Mr. Hattrick was a sniper from Korea?
- It looks like tonight is gonna be another sheet soaking.
- Ever pick your nose and eat the snot?
- Have you ever spoken to a girl? ...or a boy?
- I heard that Gary’s gonna come back and save us all!
-...and that’s where milk comes from, so anyway...
- I think Mr. Burton literally wants me dead!
- Have you seen those pictures of Mandy?
-...then you have to let the fudge dry off, but anyway...
- No matter where you go people will find you; they’ll kill you!
- I’ve heard the tough guys bring people like me to a place called the hole.
- Did you hear that Mr. Galloway had scotch on his breath again?
- I’ve got a SPECIAL appointment with Mr. Burton later in the week!
- I heard that Ms. Phillips used to be a bunny-waitress!
- Nurse McRae says my psyche is on the upswing!
- I miss my mama sooo much!
- I heard that Edna’s starting to see things when she’s cooking!
- Have you heard that Mr. Hattrick tried to start a fight with Mr. Galloway?
- Without mama; nothing matters!
- I’ve heard that the teachers have been doing the graffiti themselves!
- Ever just give up going to the toilet?
- Did you hear that Mr. Burton dropped a dumbbell on someone’s foot?
- There’s nowhere to run anywhere on this planet!
- If you want, I could show you all my hiding places?
- Every cry so much you got dehydrated?

Sheldon Thomas:
- People judge Mr. Hattrick unfairly; he’s really a nice guy.
- Did you see that kid sleeping in class? He’s so bad.
- Edna told me she has seven kids, that’s why she works at Bullworth.
- Dr. Crabblesnitch is like a brother to Ms. Danvers, he’s always so nice to her.
- I like to stay after class and help Dr. Watts, we’re friends.
- I don’t understand why the kids at Bullworth can’t be as nice as the teachers!
- Library fines are unfair, twenty dollars is a lot of money!
- Did you ever go to the office just to talk to Dr. Crabblesnitch?
- I think Dr. Watts is a real genius, that’s why he’s so hard to understand.
- Dr. Crabblesnitch says he won’t tolerate any hooliganism at Bullworth.
- Mr. Hattrick is so nice; he told me he’d show me a way to guarantee an A!
- The librarian said she’d never seen any of the Greasers in the library, ever!
- Teachers just don’t pay enough attention to kids, y'know?
- I talked to Dr. Crabblesnitch for half an hour yesterday, we’re good friends.
- Mr. Burton said the Bullworth football team is going to win, even though they’re a bunch of wimps.
- Mr. Galloway told me he’s never met anyone so keen as me before.
- Did you volunteer to do extra homework, just so a teacher would talk to you?
- Did you hear that Jimmy Hopkins is going to get expelled?
- Have you ever got locked in a closet by your friends?
- He calls me an annoying twerp but I know we’re friends.
- Have you ever tried doing your head?
- Mr. Galloway’s going to be fired; I know because Mr. Hattrick said so.
- I think I’m going to go to the office, I really like hanging out with Ms. Danvers.
- They all call me a teacher’s pet, I don’t understand why.
- I got locked in a closet yesterday, those guys are such jokers.
- Someone put mashed potatoes in my shoes while I slept, it was kinda squishy.
- I think I’d like to be a teacher when I grow up.
- Dr. Crabblesnitch said that Jimmy Hopkins has really brought peace to the school.

7) The Townies
Omar Romero:
- As far as I care, there IS no world outside this town!
- Hope I didn’t look too soft to the academy kids last time.
- It’s so hard to rob gas stations since the pumps went all "ATM".
- I’m gonna reeeaally screw someone’s life up today!
- You hear that there’s only one Nerd girl left alive in the whole school?
- Have you ever hotwired someone’s car?
- You hear that they sell cherry bombs in the back of (kaboom?)?
- I think the housewives at shady pines built tunnels to all their lovers’ condos.
- Have you ever seen what’s under the cheerleaders’ skirts when they jump?
- I tried using (kakuff?) for my fishing line, but the damn thing kept scratching me!
- I’ve heard (sorta soda?) is taking leftover burger mix from the school.
- I’ve heard there’s only a single Nerd girl in the entire school left alive or not pregnant.
- Ugh, there are too many people getting a good education these days!
- I screwed with two people’s minds today BEFORE breakfast.
- You ever sneak into campus to check out the cheerleaders?
- What’s the point in mugging someone nowadays? All you ever get is credit cards!
- I never feel better than when I can see a pool of someone else’s blood!
- Did you know about the (peepuls?) in the dressing room at (chi chi’s?)?
- The word is that they have radioactive sperm, so they keep having kids.
- Those idiots inside the academy, have no idea what the real world is like.
- Hoh, I can’t BELIEVE I missed the chance to trip the old lady at the store this morning!
- I’ve heard that guy Gary’s planning some big surprise for some kid named Jimmy.
- You hear that the head cheerleader’s pictures have been posted all over the school?
- Ever sent someone peaches they never ordered?
- I can’t wait to get home and kick-in my mom’s TV, again.
Zoe Taylor:
- I’ve been reading a lot of books lately ... something to do, y'know?
- The Greasers are all riled up over something, probably more Johnny & Lola drama.
- I hear there are still raids in the girl’s dorms, there’s something more to it than just messing around.
-Y'ever thought about leaving this town?
- If they don’t read you your rights when they arrest you, they can’t touch you.
- I’m thinking about taking up kick-boxing.
- I had another fight with my mom last night, I hate it!
- Seems like Burton’s up to his old tricks.
- Whoever painted that thing on city hall has some guts, that’s for sure.
- I like to break stuff. Makes me feel better, y'know?
- That b*stard Burton is still the head coach of the football team I hear.
- So many of the Bullworth kids are stuck up, they just don’t know any better.
- The reason why stupid kids get into trouble is because they don’t know when to stop.
- Have you ever gone to the big city?
- Nothing ever happens around here, nothing!
- I hate this town.
- Did y'ever give up on boys completely?
- Sometimes I feel bad about vandalising things.
- Y'ever start a fight just for fun?
- Looks like that b*stard Burton is no longer coach of the football team, serves him right.
- I dunno; sometimes I just don’t see the point of ... well, anything!
- I hate Bullworth.
- Another semester at Bullworth, and they still haven’t fired Mr. Burton.
- Most of the boys around here are just stupid moronic pigs.
- I hate the kids in this town.
- The cops around here are so stupid, they’re super easy to outrun if you know what you’re doing.
- Sometimes; I think I should move to the city. Get a new start, y'know?
- You ever break into some place just for kicks?
- I just get so UNBEARABLY bored; it just all seems so pointless!
- Some of the Bullworth girls are alright y'know, they just need to get out more.
- I did kick Mr. Burton in the nuts that one time, I’m pretty proud of that.

- If they don’t want kids to smoke, why’d they make 'em so easy to steal?
- I hear that Gary kid went to Peru to be like ... a botanist or somethin'.
- That kid’s glasses cut my knuckles.
- I made some serious cash from those badger fights.
- I live fast and I’ll die young.
- Yeah, Miss. Krupke’s got the hots for me.
- I hear Nicky Charles owes a bunch of money to the mob.
- I hear Mihailovich keeps corpses in his hotel.
- Y'ever play three-card monty?
- Y'ever eat coooold hotdogs?
- I gotta quit smokin'.
- Yo, someone just set fire to the Bullworth gym; you believe that?!
- You can’t run a casino on school grounds?! What is this?
- Y'ever take a blind chick out to the drive in?
- Circus clowns gimmie the heebie-jeebies man.
- I drink beer for breakfast!
- Dumb cops busted my badger fights; I was making a mint!
- I lit his tie on fire, you shoulda seen him run.
- I wish my mom would get off the cough syrup.
- This piercing is all infected, stupid puss.
- Y'ever bet on two badgers locked in mortal combat?
- I poured gasoline all over his lunch!
- I hear Johnny Vincent has to eat through a straw now.
- I hear Officer Williams sleeps with an inflatable doll.
- I can retire on the money I stole from those Bullworth kids.
- I’m meant to die on these streets, it’s like ... *deep voice* my destiny.

Otto Tyler:
- I still need to beef-up more.
- I hate this town!
- I threw loads of garbage over the school gates the other day.
- Have you ever wished you were more popular?
- I’m gonna DESTROY that damn school.
- I’m gonna have to go home one day.
- Those little carnival dwarfs are weird.
- Have you ever punched a wall?
- The whole system sucks!
- Have you ever wanted to kill someone?
- Did y'ever microwave an egg?
- Did you see that tag on the top of city hall? I heard some Bullworth kid did it.
- I heard you can get different versions of those pictures, y'know?
- This country’s garbage!
- There’s an awful smell around this place.
- I stole some cigarettes.
- All school teachers are jerks.
- All teachers are idiots.
- School kids suck.
- I’m broke!
- I really hated being at school, y'know?
- I’m gonna right all the wrongs that’ve been done to me.
- The Bullworth kids have calmed down a bunch recently, bunch of wimps.

- Did you hear what happened up at the school? Total-friggin'-chaos. Awesome, man.
- If it was high-tide everywhere at the same time, all the land on the planet would sink!
- Man, I love seeing all the girls in their little skirts.
- All the cleverest people always fail at stuff.
- Only stupid people need to go to school.
- Have you ever fainted after smelling your own socks?
- I sometimes make simple mistake because I’m so smart.
- NASA keeps buggin' me to sign up with them.
- I’m gonna sail around the world by myself this summer.
- Nobody else understands how smart I am.
- All those kids in school are just there because they’re not naturally as smart as me.
- I can’t wait 'till all those friggin' school kids get lost.
- I’m worried my mom will find out that I dropped out of school.
- I can’t believe all those dumb kids actually stay in that school.
- Most people don’t even like me because I’m more cleverer than them.
- I often just sit back and think how smart I am, y'know?
- Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be as smart as me?
- Y'ever break into the girl’s dorm?
- Dude, do you even remember how annoying all those d*mn teachers were?
- When you’re as smart as me, everyone expects you to do well.
- Dude, have you ever got to third base with two chicks at the same time?
- All those morons still in school are lame.
- School kids are easy pickings for getting dollars.
- Just because I think; doesn’t mean that I am.

- The weather always sucks, I hate it.
- I slept until two in the afternoon yesterday.
- I almost finished readin' that book I stole from the library last year.
- Y'ever had a good time in this dump?
- I’m gonna create havoc today.
- I heard someone called the cops about the other night.
- I just can’t seem to get my life together.
- Y'know what’s unfair? That I don’t have rich parents!
- Ever been anywhere interesting?
- I heard somethin's goin' down at the school, thing are gonna get shaken up.
- Y'ever walked out of a job?
- Looks like the crabs really hit the fair now, should be fun.
- I’m goin' to get in a fight today.
- They’re totally tryin' to provoke us, no doubt about it.
- I don’t think it’s criminal if you’re just doing it for fun.
- Sometime’s I feel like I have no future, y'know?
- I’m just so bored all the time.
- I hear there’s some kid at the school who thinks he’s all tough, name’s Jimmy.
- Y'know, you can’t actually go to prison if you’re a minor.
- Women like men who aren’t afraid to have fun, trust me on this one.
- I’m so bored.
- The cops are so oppressive, won’t let us have any fun!
- Nothin' ever happens in this dump.
- They so had it comin', they were totally askin' for it, it’s not our fault at all.
- I don’t know why I do what I do; I gotta get a job someday.
- Did it ever cross your mind that we’re constantly being lied to?

- Do y'ever wake up in the morning with a song in your head?
- I stopped this chick from gettin' my name tattooed on her you-know.
- I’m gonna take a night off this week ... and sleep below.
- I screwed up with this girl who was for-REAL in love with me.
- Today’s music is lame, I get no inspiration.
- I wanna make people happy, I can’t say no to girls.
- Y'know what they say about Nerd chicks, Beatrice can be hot.
- I’m scared I’ll lose my hair before I’m thirty.
- Have you ever seen fake breasts?
- Gary ... who’d have thought it?
- Look at me goatee; I like order, no chaos.
- Someone said Bullworth’s nurse is totally horny.
- I hear that all the Nerds at Bullworth are virgins.
- Some girl told me there was a website about me.
- Have y'ever said no to a naked girl, just to mess with her?
- Have y'ever had three dates in one night?
- I’ve seen parts of Mandy no one has photographed.
- I’ll tell the truth to all the girls in my life ... when they’re ready.
- Take responsibility for your actions; if you take a girl out, go all the way.
- I wanna focus on my music; all these emotions are bottled up inside.
- I hear the Jocks are planning a revenge for the game.
- I’m told I’ve scored with more chicks at Bullworth than anyone ever.
- Do you know this aphrodisiac hair gel called babe?
- Girls’ll realise I’m a minimum wage earner with a beer gut who’ll cheat on 'em.
- Life is not fair, let’s drink.

- If I’d known there was a teacher selling test answers, I never woulda left school!
- I dunno why the Preppies are gettin' so worked up over a few stupid trophies.
- I heard Officer Munson used to be a real cop, but now all he does is chase around kids who’re ditching school.
- One day, I’m gonna try and jump over city hall.
- Y'ever snuck into the girl’s dorm?
- I’ve broken my collar bone three times.
- Ugh, this place sucks!
- I heard that there’s a secret entrance to the chick’s dormitories.
- I never shoulda dropped outta school!
- Y'ever jump a house with a bike?
- I heard that rumour about the Jocks and the naked-twister, it’s totally true.
- I’m not really that good on a bike.
- I SUCK at stuff!
- Have y'ever broken your butt bone?
- I heard a rumour that things at Bullworth, are about to get very interesting.
- I may not be much, but at least I’m not a Preppy.
- Dropping out of school isn’t as cool as it seems.
- Nerds are the worst, I heard they like ... go to class an' stuff.
- This place is really beginning to blow.
- Those kids at Bullworth are going down hard.
- Have y'ever been to the dirt track?
- Ah, there’s gettin' to be too many Preppies runnin' around if you ask me.
- I heard the chicks at Bullworth make out with each other and stuff.
- Nobody’s got any respect anymore.
- I made a pipe in shop class ... before they kicked me out.

8.) Mission-based Dialogue
Panty Raid:
Christy: Hey Angie, check this out!
Angie: What is it?
Christy: This is the picture I’m putting into the yearbook, does it make me look fat?
Angie: Why do you keep worrying about being fat? You look good!
Christy: Yeah, you’re right. I’m being silly.
Angie: Hey, show me your other pictures.

Weed Killer:
Gord: Well I’m going to work at my father’s firm this summer.
Parker: He’s making you work? What a b*stard.
Gord: No no, I wanted to. His firm is handling a big murder trial; I’m going to help out.
Parker: You’re helping out on a murder trial? Poor b*stard’s gonna get the chair.
Gord: Oh screw you, I’m not gonna get the guy convicted. Besides, it’ll look good on my university application.
Parker: I suppose. Me? I don’t worry. His daddy made a big donation.
Gord: Yes, the old fashioned way is best.

Justin: What do you think that noise was?
Tad: Probably just Bryce and Chad horsing around again. You know how they like to wrestle.
Justin: Tell me about it. They even practice wrestling at night, did you know? The two of them keep me awake sometimes with their grunting and groaning.

Chad: I asked mother, why can’t I access my trust fund yet? I mean, I’ll be eighteen in a couple of years anyway. She said it was for my future, that I should be grateful she was looking out for me.
Bryce: That’s nothing man, you’re letting her off easy. You should get twice that much for a whole summer.
Chad: Tell me about it. All I want is a measly fifteen-thousand to go to Europe this summer.

Greaser Challenge:
Lucky: This sucks, there’s never anything good on TV.
Hal: What, war footage and natural disasters doesn’t do it for you?
Jimmy: Nice place you guys’ve found, I think I’ll take it.
Hal: What do you want Hopkins?
Jimmy: I want you gone, get lost.

Nerd Challenge:
Algie: No, no, no. You can’t use diplomacy to make the elf princess do that.
Fatty: Of course I can.
Jimmy: You guys having fun?
Fatty: What are you doing here? You can’t join our party!
Bucky: Give him a chance! Let him join, if he can beat Fatty’s Consumo high score.
Jimmy: Why not? I can always use this place to crash.

Townie Challenge:
Duncan: It’s a pretty cool game; it’s all about killing things and taking their stuff.
Jerry: What was it called? Grottos & Gremlins or something like that?
Duncan: Yeah ... hey! What are you doing in here?
Jimmy: I’m here to beat you up, and evict you.
Otto: Enough talking, let’s fight!
« Last Edit: April 01, 2015, 07:37:55 PM by Parker Ogilvie »

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Re: Conversation Dialogue (Work in progress)
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2015, 10:43:04 PM »
Man, this is Great !!
Keep updating, I'll put this on a Sticky.


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Re: Conversation Dialogue (Work in progress)
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2015, 11:17:45 PM »
Luis Luna:
- Did you know that nutjob Max is walking around with a baton in his pants?

It would have been so cool if they kept that.