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Author Topic: Bullworth: Melvin's Rise  (Read 1796 times)

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Offline Pete Kowalski

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Bullworth: Melvin's Rise
« on: May 04, 2013, 08:04:51 PM »
Episode 1: Why?

9:00 AM Saturday Morning
Setting: Melvin's House

Melvin: Dad, why do you always be so mean to me?
Melvin's Dad: Because, my son should be a Jock, not a weak nerd.
Melvin: But I'm the strongest one!
Melvin's Dad: Does it look like I care?
Melvin: No...
Melvin's Dad: I'll let you play with your friends, but let this be one of the last times!

12:00 PM Noon
Setting: Comic book store

Zach: Hey Melvin! You wanna get the latest version of The Bullworth Times?
Melvin: No.
Zach: Okay.

Melvin walks downstairs to his friends

Algie: Salutations, Sir Melv!
Algie: It looks like Sir Francois is winning!
Fatty: Yep!
Melvin: Good for you, Fatty.
Donald: Why do you sound so depressed?
Thad: Yeah, whats going on?
Melvin: My dad wants me to become a Jock.
Bucky: That's impossible, the Jocks would never accept you.
Algie: Is that why your eating that protein bar?
Melvin: Let me speak!!!
Melvin: My dad was originally a Jock, so I have no choice!
Earnest: Just tell him no.
Melvin: Earnest, I've told him that more times than you've said "Leave me alone!"
Earnest: Oh...
Melvin: I'm thinking about sneaking some weights from the gym to my house.
Thad: We'll cover you in case bullies get on your back!

8:00 PM
Setting: In front of the School Gym

Melvin: Alright, the toast err *Coast* is clear lets head in!
Cornelius: Help me! Juri has me!!!
Juri: Nerds aren't allowed here!
Juri: Guys! The Nerds are trying to raid us!
Algie: Melvin! Get the weights quickly!
Casey: I got Bucky!
Earnest: Let him go you brutes!
Ted grabs hold of Melvin
Ted: Damon! Beat this dude up!
Algie throws a brick at the back of Damon's leg and Damon falls to the ground.
Algie throws a dodgeball at Ted's nose and Ted has a nose bleed.
Ted: Oh no! Bloodshed from nerds! So embarrassing!
Ted runs away.
Melvin gets in the weight room, and realizes Mr.Burton was in there...
Mr.Burton: Melvin! Get out of here right this instant!
Melvin: I wanted to lift some weights!
Mr.Burton: Oh uhh... Okay! Just be gone by 10 PM!
Damon knocks on the door.
Mr.Burton: What, Damon?
Damon: He got us beaten up...
Mr.Burton: Does it look like I care? Its just a damn flesh wound, It just goes to show, Melvin is stronger than some of you guys!

Damon argues with Mr.Burton while Melvin sneaks away.

While Melvin leaves the Gym he sees all of the nerds beaten badly.
He sees Fatty with two black eyes and hair ripped from his head.
He sees Donald with a twisted arm and a broken lens in his glasses.
He sees Algie with his glasses snapped in half, and had a atomic wedgie.
He sees Earnest with a black eye and in a trash can.
He sees Bucky with his buckteeth missing and a baseball bat on his chest.
He sees Thad with a broken arm.
He sees Cornelius with a broken leg.

To Be Continued