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Author Topic: Stories of "Kara Masa Gang"  (Read 2386 times)

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Offline 1stGarySmithFan

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Stories of "Kara Masa Gang"
« on: February 06, 2013, 06:07:15 PM »
Yup.. This is our gang. But, not bullies, we are like uuh... Bullying the Bullies. I am going to tell you guys about our stories and trust me, we do have got great! stories. Seriously. I think that I can't write it right now, maybe after 2 or 3 comments. But I can surely tell you guys about our members.

P.S.: These are their real names, but I have changed them a bit to make you read it easier. Like Dağdeniz- Dadeniz and Buğra- Boora

1-) Dadeniz

The "Jock" of our gang. He is the only one with six-packs, and the most fighting. He has a crush on a gorgeous girl called "Derin" and she has a crush on him too. They don't go out, they do only hang out, you know making out without dating. He is blonde and has hair of Danny Zuko. And, he is my best friend. We can imagine him as Casey Harris.

2-) Boora

He is the black guy in our gang and he has the best loyalty you can see in a friend. I can tell him my every single secret. We can look at his fighting style as Gary's boss style. Really slow, but really strong. And he is really tall, he is the tallest guy in our gang. We can imagine him as Norton Williams.

3-) Furkan

He is the most blonde and the fattest guy in the gang. He is not too long, but he wears really high shoes, so he seems tall. He is the musician in our gang and he doesn't fight too much. But he has a bad habit. He does ALWAYS try to get other people's girls. Yes, he was the one that I have told you guys about before. He is the most trustworthless person in the whole school, Bodrum Marmara Academy. We can imagine him as.. Fat earnest.

4-) Barish

The shortest, weakest, girliest boy in our gang. But, he is the most trustworthy guy I have ever seen in my whole life! He is a soccer player, and he is the one that I most hang out with. We had a fight once, but then I apologized because I hit him so hard. Umm he is... Not favorite of the girls you know. We can imagine him as Petey.

5-) Deniz

And finally, the brain of the gang! Guess who? Guess whooo? Oh come on bro, it's me! The boxer guy! I always have the crime plans, how to get in and how to get out, even what to do. Dadeniz does the most risky things. I never fall inlove, after my love to Ceren which was taken my whole one year. I have a medium-size, and I do box since 3 and a half years. I used to get angry fast, but I don't anymore. You can just imagine me as Parker Ogilvie.

So, this is who we are, my friend. And, in a school like Bullworth Academy, you will learn our exciting untold stories of crimes, loves, friendships, making enemies, getting sad, happy, angry, everything! Hope you'll enjoy. :)

P.S.: I will post our story of being together when there will be some comments. :)

Read before you read down!: 1st Story is not an actual story, there are nearly no dialogues, it explains how our gang was built.

1st Story: Intro

It was the begginning of the 7th Grade, and Dadeniz had a terrible break up. We were already best friends before the gang. It was the first day of the school, and we met that new girl, Alexis. She seemed cute at first, and we liked each other. So, we started to date after a few days. Our first break in was quite simple, and had no purpose, only for fun. We were getting in to abandoned or prohibited rooms of the school. Mostly the dorms. And then, we met Boora. He was a new kid too, but he was sooo funny and we decided to ahng out with him. We made our own videos of breakin' in, especially to the abandoned kindergarten floor. There were always 2 or 3 prefects on there, and they were keeping all the stationery stuff on that floor. Our first break in with Boora was like the first move of gang. Me, Alexis, Dadeniz and Boora. We broke into the kindergarten floor, and we have reached to all the stuff. There weren't  only stationery stuff, there were masks, costumes, pranks, lots of funny things. But then, a blonde guy called Furkan came in from the door and said "What you jerks think you're doing?"
Dadeniz whispered "Shut up or you'll get us caught, fatass!" and Furkan said "I'm gonna tell this to the prefects!"
I ran to him and pushed him to stuff. He got up and before he could hit me, Dadeniz and Boora attacked him together. However, we became good friends with him after that. I had a first kiss with Alexis, and then we broke up, forgot each other. We met Barish, he was the newest kid in school. And then, people started to call us "Kara Masa Gang", that's how it started.

-I know this wasn't good, it was already a plot. I promise the one in the bottom is so much better-

2nd Story: A New Member

It was like the.. Second week of our gang. I guess. The weather was still warm. Dadeniz had a new friend. He was trustworthy.. At least that was what he said. I have never believed him, his name was Umar. I have never, never and ever trusted him. But, the other guys did. We were sitting in the school cafeteria. Umar came in and sat next to Dadeniz. I have looked at Boora and said "Bro, he is not from the gang. What the fuck?"
Boora said "I guess he is. I don't like it much too but, shit happens."
After the break time,  I walked to Dagdeniz and said "What?".
He understood what I meant. "Come on man, give him a chance. Why you don't like him?"
I said okay, but I still didn't trust him. That day, we made a break in to the school owner's room. He wasn't there, but his security camera was. So we had to close his camera, but that was impossible because the camera control room was under the control of the principal. We broke into the abandoned kindergarten. Reached to the stuff and took(stole) some silly play dough. My plan was to wear one of those masks and go and close security camera's glass. Plan was accepted by the gang, and I wanted to do that. But, Dadeniz told Umar to do that. Umar tooks a mask and wore it. We went back to the room, Umar wore the mask and covered the glass. We wanted to take the main key and be able to get into the every single room without breaking in. We have searched for it for 20 minutes and we succesfully found it. We were laughing like high people all the time, because Umar didn't take the mask off and he acted like the mask was his real face. The mask was an old woman's face. But you know what? That dumb bitch didn't cover it enough and they were able to see our faces. But, luckily Umar, was wearing the mask and teachers didn't see their face. They have told us to come to the principal's room. I mean me, Furkan, Boora, Dadeniz and Barish. Because they didn't see Umar all the time. We were laughing all the time so they thought we were high, we said we weren't laughing because of that but fuckers didn't believe us. Shit happens huh. They have told our parents about it. But fortunately, my mother trusts me all the time and she didn't believe them about getting high. But, Umar wasn't kicked from the gang that day.
-Sorry for my english, but I just can't remember it at all.. >.< But no prob, I remember everything after that day, so I guess..-
3rd Story: First Fight with Jocks
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 07:55:28 AM by 1stGarySmithFan »

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Re: Stories of "Kara Masa Gang"
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2013, 06:17:08 PM »
Well....This belongs in the Community Stories section, So I'll move it there.

Offline 1stGarySmithFan

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Re: Stories of "Kara Masa Gang"
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2013, 06:22:48 PM »
Durr sorry . And thanks !

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Re: Stories of "Kara Masa Gang"
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2013, 01:59:35 AM »
Semms to be interesting.So what will you write exactly about your gang?

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Re: Stories of "Kara Masa Gang"
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2013, 03:12:09 AM »
Seems like a Cool story bro. :-X

So, you're the criminal mastermind behind this 'Gang' ?.... Do you go out on cool adventures, kiss girls, make babies, beat up the bad guys, save the day, and get the girls?? :D

Seriously though, this could be interesting.

You should make a book :ajajaxh5:

Offline 1stGarySmithFan

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Re: Stories of "Kara Masa Gang"
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2013, 05:59:09 AM »
Umm I will tell you guys about our stories, the first will be about how our gang was built. I will start writing it now, it will take 10 minutes I guess, because it was 1 year ago and I barely remember.

Offline 1stGarySmithFan

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Re: Stories of "Kara Masa Gang"
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2013, 07:56:04 AM »
KK, the first 2 stories are written and I barely remember them soo I am soooo sorry.