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Author Topic: A Tale Of Two Headboys  (Read 2882 times)

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Offline Mohamed The Kowalski

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A Tale Of Two Headboys
« on: June 20, 2012, 05:14:41 PM »
This is my story for Bully 2:
A Tale Of Two Headboys
The game starts with Dr.Crabblesnitch giving a speech to the students and teachers of Bullworth Academy,Dr.Crabblesnitch:I'd like to introduce to you the new headboy of the school Peter Kowalski.
Petey heads to the microphone while the crowd is cheering for him,Petey:Thanks for all of you,but I think that Jimmy Hopkins deserves to be the headboy.
Jimmy:No,Pete.I'm sick of this headboy thing, you're the next headboy.
Dr.Crabblesnitch:But why don't you two be headboys?You two can help eachother.What do you say?
More coming soon

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Re: A Tale Of Two Headboys
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2012, 09:19:16 AM »
Petey and Jimmy do their work well as headboys,they couldn't stop all the bullying on the school ground, but at least they could calm the students down a little.

Dr.Crabblesnitch wanted them to be with him al the time, so he put two desks in the principal room.Jimmy sat on the left and Pete on the right.

Dr.Crabblesnitch accepted Mr.Robert, the new Gym teacher,and Ms.Sarah, the new math teacher.The two teachers are in love.

One day,Ms.Danvers came into the room,Ms.Danvers:Edgar Munsen is waiting outside of the school.He says he wants to see Mr.Hopkins.
Dr.Crabblesnitch:Edgar? Isn't that the boy whose parents couldn't afford to get him in here?
Ms.Danvers:That's him.Right.
Jimmy Hopkins:Okay,I'll see what's going on.Petey,take care of the office,and Crabs,don't eat my chocolates until I return.
Dr.Crabblesnitch:Okay.I wasn't going to do that anyway.

Jimmy goes to see Edgar and Ms.Danvers gets out of the room while Crabblesnitch and Petey have a little chat,
Dr.Crabblesnitch:So,Pete,,what do you think of Jimmy boy?
Petey:Well....Jimmy may be a bully and bad person at a lot of times, but as Ms.Phillips said, he has a sensitive side that appeared in a lot of times before, like when he beated Russel, the first thing he told Russel to do is to stop bullying weak kids.
Dr.Crabblesnitch:But don't forget what happened when he became a headboy.When power was in his hands, he thought that he was a king that couldn't be touched.He even treated you very badly.
Petey:Yes, but I forgive him.
Dr.Crabblesnitch:After all what he had done to you?
Petey:Why are you so surprised? Yes,I forgive him.
Jimmy came from a broken home, and from my talk with him, I think that his mother had always treated him badly, so he wanted to rule the school to compensate the psychologic damage he had from his mother's treatment to him.From the moment that I had seen Jimmy for the first time, and I always had a feeling that this boy is different from anyone I had ever known.
He and Gary did't treat me well, but at least I had friends.Gary turned on us and Jimmy left me out, but he returned, and he cared for me when he saw me watching TV by myself like a dork.From that day and we're officially friends.
If you get me a scale, put everything bad he had done to me in one side, and put everything good he had done to me AND the pain from his past in the other side, the second side will be heavier.
Dr.Crabblesnitch:WOW.I didn't know you were such a philosopher.
Petey:Thanks Crabs.....Uhhh.....I mean Dr.Crabblesnitch.

Meanwhile, Jimmy goes to see Edgar on the school gate. more coming soon...

Offline Mohamed The Kowalski

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Re: A Tale Of Two Headboys
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2012, 07:55:15 PM »
Edgar was waiting at the school gates.......with a very angry face when Jimmy came to him.
Jimmy:Hey Edgar!
Edgar:AH.Here's the boy that tricked us all.
Jimmy:Watch your tongue or I'll have to remind you who's the boss.
Edgar:OK boss.What have you done to me and my boys since you've been head of the school?
Jimmy:Hey,I enrolled Zoe inside the school.Don't forget about that.
Edgar:And us?Why didn't you tell Crabblesnitch to enroll us in Bullworth?
Jimmy:Hey, you never asked me to do that.You could've said that instead of wasting my time.You and your boys want to get in the school? Wait here and I'll handle everything.
And so Jimmy returned to the office to find Dr.Crabblesnitch and Petey.
Petey:So what did Edgar want from you?
Jimmy:He wants to be enrolled in the school.He and his boys.
Dr.Crabblesnitch:What? Impossible.I'm not letting those kids get in the schhol. NEVER.
Jimmy:OH YEAH? I want to know why.
Dr.Crabblesnitch:Uh......They're poor kids.
Jimmy:But you accepted the poorer greasers.
Dr.Crabblesnitch:Yes....They will pick on poorer kids.
Jimmy:But you accepted the richer preps.
Dr.Crabblesnitch:Well.......They're not the they may get picked on.
Jimmy:But you accepted the weaker nerds.
Dr.Crabblesnitch:......And they're not the weakest, so they may use their physical powers in doing naughty things.
Jimmy:But you accepted the stronger Jocks.
Dr.Crabblesnitch:Ah.........They.....may bully someone.
Jimmy:But you accepted the bullies.
Dr.Crabblesnitch:Then.....You see....They can't fit in any group.
Jimmy:Well, there's always the non-clique students.
Jimmy:But what?you know something, if you don't get them in the school right now,I'll go to all of the town's people and tell them that a sociopath student made a riot in this school and tied you in a chair.Let's see what would you defend yourself with now?
Dr.Crabblesnitch:WAIT....Don't do that.
Petey:ENOUGH YOU TWO.Please Jimmy, calm down a little.Dr.Crabblesnitch, can I know the real reason why you don't want the townies here in the school?
Dr.Crabblesnitch:It's just that.....with new students, there will be more problems in the school.
Petey:And why am I and Jimmy here with you? We'll help you with the school's problem more if you enroll the townies in the school.After all, they helped Jimmy during his fight with Gary.
Dr.Crabblesnitch:They did? Well,OK.I accept them.
Petey:Good.Now Jimmy,apologize to Dr.Crabblesnitch for shouting in his face.
Jimmy:Ah...I can't beleive this.I'm sorry Crabs and blah blah blah......
Dr.Crabblesnitch:No problem.
So with the townies in the school, Edgar was so pleased with Jimmy, and Zoe was so proud of him.more coming soon.