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Author Topic: Bully story  (Read 1835 times)

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Offline rjinc.

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Bully story
« on: September 01, 2012, 10:46:24 AM »
this is my own story of bully , a cool and disappointing adventure of:

 Daniel  "Danny" Wilkins, A Tall sarcastic and sensitive 16 year old whose been kicked out of a bunch of schools ever since he was 11, kicked out of Public, Private, Military,and Boarding Schools been taught to be a bully by his big brother whose now in jail for armed robbery. Danny's parents been searching for a dangerous and horrible schools (don't ever let your kids go to this school. com Bullworth Academy is in the top 5 of the worst school in existence) after searching they found one school, they found the perfect school for Danny ( not Bullworth, he didn't even make it to the interview they said they didn't want another Jimmy Hopkins to cause another one man vs clique war) and that's Lone Side Academy located in Lone Side, Rochester. So after they dumped in Lone Side He's instantly greeted a group of bully who want to give him a special beat down (a Sophomore Special) the first bully lays a punch at Danny but Danny quickly dodges and gives him a hard blow to the gut putting him down to the ground, his second victim try to hit in the head with a bat but end up hitting his friend instead end up getting a knee to the crotch and a headbutt by Danny, the last victim try to ran away but leg swapped to the ground
and was about to got stomped, but Danny pinched his nose really hard " Ow that hurt" said bully
"stop being a baby" Danny said. Danny was so proud that he beat up those bully and the people
cheered him on "Yea that's right I'm the king of the fight"  the fun quickly washed away as the caught by Junior Guard (that's what the hall monitors or prefects or Ben Stiller security guards)every one left as soon as Danny was caught. He is sent to the principal "well this is a nice way to meet each other, I think giving me boxes of chocolate that would've spiced things up a bit" the principal was sarcastic and that's it "Quit it with the jokes and give me detention already"
said Danny "Daniel, why would I give a student detention at his first days, I'd rather expel you but I think your the perfect student for this school, come and sit lets talk" Danny rolled his eyes "OK here's how this going to go, your going talk about how much of a "hooligan" then I say a snappy comeback and your going tell me how your say how much your going to change me, trust me I've been in kicked out of 15 schools and they told me the same thing", Principal: "Well you just ruin all the fun, but you forgot one thing" Danny: "Oh yea you weren't going say your where going to "change me", you were going to say you were going to make a man out of me" Principal:"No wasn't going to say that, but wouldn't that be a better speech, but like you said lets
make this quick, welcome to Lone Side Academy I hope you have a nice day" Danny: "Can i go now" Principal: "Oh I forgot tell you, my name Mr.Winterstone" Danny: "You tell me that now" Mr.Winterstone: "Don't question me young boy". So Danny goes to the boys dorm and leg tripped by someone and punched him in the face without look at the person Boy: "OK I'm Sorry"
the boy was smooth hair and looked like he was supposed to be a TV actor, his jaw was swollen from the punch, Danny try to picked him but the boy kicked his to stomach that flew him to the couch Random Guy: " all right two fights in one day" Danny try get up, the red head also try to knee him, he quickly grabbed his knee and threw him to the ground Boy: " Hi names Travis Phillips" Danny : " Hey hows it going" Travis: " Better put on your uniform, you don't want to get caught by the Junior Guards again", So Danny went to his room and put on the school jacket, underneath the school jacket was the school shirt with tie, put on the schools brown khaki and brown sneakers. The school bell rang, Danny checked the calendar it was Monday morning, time for English. Travis: "Oh Danny I want to tell you something Danny: "What?" Travis: "Welcome to Lone Side."
               To Be continued.                         
« Last Edit: September 03, 2012, 06:46:31 PM by rjinc. »

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Re: Bully story
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2012, 06:33:11 PM »
During English class, Danny noticed somebody looking at him, the boy looked young (age 15) he had dark brown hair with 20th century glasses and didn't look like a nerd.He look confused, like the he never saw Danny, he turned to a friend who also had glasses, when the friend took his glasses off and started talking Danny noticed the friend was Travis. With the the English Mrs.Kivern and the boy turning his head to Travis, Danny felt like it was a good time take out his spitball shooter and target the spitball at the boy, but before Danny could shoot a spitball at the boy the bell rang and Danny put the spitball shooter in his school jacket pocket before Mrs.Kivern could notice. After English class, Travis's friend decided meet Danny by his locker, so the boy went to go meet Danny and notice him putting a little kid on a headlock while reading his comic book, Boy: " Uh hi i'm Roger Fullin" Danny: " Danny Wilkins, nice to meet you" Roger: " so are you going to let the kid go" Danny : "Sure, after I read this comic" so right after reading the comic, he lets the kid go then trips on him, Roger: "Come on let me show you the rest this dump" as Roger and Danny talk outside, Roger intrudes Danny to the clique Roger: " see those group of guy grinding their skateboards on the rails" Roger was pointing at the guys who wore school hoodies and loose fit jeans, one wore snapback hat under his hood who was probably the leader Danny: " yea those must be the skater's" Roger: " correct" Danny "whose the hooded guy on the left" Roger "that Sean Greene, there leader" Danny: "Looks like there jokers who just dick around with each other Roger :  "Doesn't everybody dick around with there friends, besides there more dangerous then you think, but I think you could take them out easily Danny: "Swell, and those people over there" Roger " Oh yea, those are the punks they listen to heavy metal and  hate everybody here in this school, there leaders is the insane lunatic with the piercing in his face that's Zack Milford" the punk had ripped pants and sleeves were ripped of from there school clothe Danny: "either future rock stars or future insane asylum prisoners" Roger: "two for three good job, now here's the main event, that group with the skinny jeans and stylish school clothe, those are the socializers they use the social network and start rumors that would piss off anybody in this school, there leader with school t-shirt is Greg Conway " Danny: " There just a group of snitches, they don't seem dangerous" Roger: "Like you said Daniel, there snitches and start rumors, there more sneaky bastards then the nerd and TMZ, speaking of nerds over there are the lover magical wizards and sci-fi wearing cloaks called invisible cloak,leaders Martin Finkalstien" Danny:"Ok and the rest" Roger: " fine, those are the Bullies who are bullies, leaders the small one Donald Westly, and there you have the toughest guys in the jocks their team is called the lone wolves, leaders Aaron Christian, number 25, the star wide receiver" Danny: " So that's it..................wait who are those guys" Roger: "come on why are those spoiled brats here" Roger was pointing at the students from a rival school, they were riding bike and had there blue and silver uniforms, Roger: " those are the students from Foremen Institute of Science, there the richest school in Lone Side, lets go get them." Danny and Roger arrive at outside the school gate to face the three spoiled students the foremen students stops there bikes and instead of giving them a challenging look they gave them a spoiled laugh  Foremen Student:"what are you two losers doing here" Roger: "Get out of here, this our place" Foreman Student 2: "what do you know you didn't drew a line between us and your loser school" Roger: " that's it i'm going to beat your ass out of here", suddenly Roger grappled the Foreman Student down off his bike and started pounding on him, the other  student got of his bike and save his friend from Roger, but Danny beat him down the ground, the third student aimed his slingshot at Danny, but suddenly Travis came and tackled him down to the ground, after the trio beat up the Foremen Students the rivals decided to leave with there bikes Roger: "That's right you better run" Travis: " come on lets go inside its getting dark" Danny: " How many Schools are there" Roger: " Five, that's only one them". As Danny was lying on his bed he starts worrying about what kind of challenges is going to face, the rival school, and what he's going to do with the  money he pickpocket from Roger.