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Author Topic: Bullworth : Kirby & Trent's Story  (Read 10336 times)

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Bullworth : Kirby & Trent's Story
« on: February 10, 2010, 05:29:29 AM »
Ok heres the new bully fanfic but this topic revolves around Kirby and Trent's secret date so who wants to start off??

EDIT: we all know Kirby is closeted, so lets make it discreet !
« Last Edit: January 26, 2011, 08:13:42 PM by CHUCKX53 »

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bully fanfic
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2010, 11:30:48 AM »
Before we start, you want to make a parallel to the NES, right ? Do we keep the same characters as the original story ?

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« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2010, 05:02:10 PM »
Quote from: Mercury;77732
Before we start, you want to make a parallel to the NES, right ? Do we keep the same characters as the original story ?
Yeah sure why not? anyway, on with the story.

One day, Tony was walking along the corridor when he encountered Gord staring at him weirdly, Tony looked at him and frowned at him 'what the hell are you looking dipshit?' tony said, no answer 'queer bastard' tony muttered under his breath. karen then came up to tony 'hey love, do you want to come to see sequal 2' karen asked 'yeah sure' replied Tony so they walked up to the cinema. 'guess what i saw earlier on'? said tony 'what' asked karen ''That preppy guy gord started staring at me, what a bollox' 'o Gord is bisexual you got to be careful around him, he's quite strong and can pin you to the ground' said Karen a bit worried.

==Please continue==
« Last Edit: February 11, 2010, 09:19:47 AM by Trent »

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bully fanfic
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2010, 08:37:59 AM »
“Well, he won’t pin ME to the ground, I’ll put a knee in his nuts, and it won’t be gentle, either”, said Tony.
“But all the same, he can wrestle down ones like Trent, and he’s not weak…”, Karen said.
“Maybe Trent wanted to be wrestled down, from some of what I heard”, Tony said, laughing.
“Be Serious” Karen whacked him on the arm. “Rape is not something to joke about”.
“Who’s Joking ?”, said Tony. “I’m just saying what I heard. Trent might be a secret ‘Bi’ himself”.
“Still…You should watch out….”, Karen said, unconvinced.
“Not to worry, babe…I can take care of myself”, Tony said as he paid for their tickets.

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bully fanfic
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2010, 10:30:59 AM »
Quote from: CHUCKX53;78015
“Well, he won’t pin ME to the ground, I’ll put a knee in his nuts, and it won’t be gentle, either”, said Tony.
“But all the same, he can wrestle down ones like Trent, and he’s not weak…”, Karen said.
“Maybe Trent wanted to be wrestled down, from some of what I heard”, Tony said, laughing.
“Be Serious” Karen whacked him on the arm. “Rape is not something to joke about”.
“Who’s Joking ?”, said Tony. “I’m just saying what I heard. Trent might be a secret ‘Bi’ himself”.
“Still…You should watch out….”, Karen said, unconvinced.
“Not to worry, babe…I can take care of myself”, Tony said as he paid for their tickets.
As they entered the cinema, they encountered Trent and a small jock together. ''Hey Trent hows it hanging''? o, hehe I'm with my em.... friend ya friend''! ''Then why are you holding his hand''???  ''No Im not'' as Trent let go of the smaller boys hand rapidly. ''so going on a date with Karen I see.'' ''yep'' ''did u here that gord pinned down and dragged a small boy in to his dorm room?'' ''who was it'' said tony ''constanious brackas i think'' said  Trent ''What are good friend constanious got dragged into that dumb, assholes  room well this inst going anywhere without a fight!'' said tony, furiously.

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Re: bully fanfic
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2010, 03:13:42 PM »
"Tony, honey, you ain't gonna leave the cinema like this... Tony ?"

Karen called him several times, but her boyfriend was already away. He headed to the football field, where he was expecting to find Laurent. By chance, the French boy was training against the wall behind the bleachers, and didn't hesitate as he saw that his friend Constantinos needed some help.

"Okay, Laurent, here's the plan. I'm gonna knock on the guy's door, in Harrington House. You'll have climbed to his window, and as soon as he will be going to the door, you'll send this firecracker directly to his knees."

Laurent had a discreet look at the big, red cylinder he was holding with both hands.


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Re: bully fanfic
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2010, 07:00:55 AM »
Tony had disguised himself with an Aquaberry outfit and combed his hair differently to gain access to Harrington House, after he had made sure Laurant was situated at the window of Gord’s room. Taking the stairs to the second floor, and finding the right room, he rapped loudly on the door.

“Who is it ? Whadda Want ?”, came from inside.

“Your Dad’s here to see you”, lied Tony. “Looks like trouble’”

Strange noises came from the room. Then suddenly, the door was flung open.

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Re: bully fanfic
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2010, 08:26:02 AM »
Tony knew what to do. The roulade that Laurent had teached him wasn't just to avoid breaking your legs after jumping from a height. It allowed to flee a zone to avoid damage, like, for example, the exploding range of a big firecracker. He jumped on his right, made himself a ball, and rolled, while splinters were violently thrown out of the room. After the explosion, Tony entered in, and dragged his friend Constantinos outside the room. Constantinos was a bit dizzy, and it took a minute for him to understand what exactly happened and stay on his feet. At this moment, they heard steps in the house's stairs.

"Gord ? Is everything all right ?"

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Re: The NES : Kirby & Trent's Story
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2010, 10:56:38 PM »
It was Tad Spencer. The firecracker Laurent threw at Gord's critical zone knocked him out, and Tony and Constantinos managed to run past Tad while Laurent escaped through the window. Tad entered Gord's room only to find him unconscious on the floor. Having heard the blast, several other Preppies, including Derby, rushed to Gord's room.

-  What's going on here? - asked Derby.

-  Those paupers knocked Gord out with a firecracker! - replied Tad.

-  What paupers?

-  I think that it was Tony. He ran out with that wanker Constantinos.

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Re: The NES : Kirby & Trent's Story
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2010, 03:04:15 PM »
The Preps ran out of Harrington House’s double doors in hot pursuit, only to find the courtyard empty.

“Where’d they go ?”, shouted Derby.

“Couldn’t have got far !”, exclaimed Tad.

As the Preps were looking around, Tony and Constantinos were hiding on the other side of the block wall, in the small yard North of the courtyard.  Constantinous was winded and still weak from his experence in Gord’s room, where he had been beaten.

As the boy’s huddled, they heard a low growl.  Then, the Prep’s dog started barking.......

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Re: The NES : Kirby & Trent's Story
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2010, 06:17:16 AM »
Kirby, Bif, and the other Preps rushed into the side yard at the sound of the dog’s barking.  

“There they are !!  Get Them !!!”  They rushed Tony and Constanious in a group.

Tony dug into his pocket and found an M-80, a powerful Firecracker, lit it and threw it at the group,

KABLAMM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some of the Preps were knocked out on impact, although Darby was only stunned.  Tony, half carrying the still-weak Constantinos, made a break for the wall.  As he reached it, he pushed Constantinos up over the wall.  As he was about to follow, the barking dog grabbed ahold of his leg.

“Jumping Geezus Jack Fuck !!”, Tony exclaimed, and gave the dog a fist in the head.  At that, the dog let go, and Tony scampered over the wall.  Dragging Constantinos with him, he had to scale two more walls until they came to the Library.

“Com’on….We’ll hide out in here”, Tony panted, still proping up a stumbling Constantinos.

Together, they entered the Library.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 06:18:55 AM by CHUCKX53 »


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Re: The NES : Kirby & Trent's Story
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2010, 12:36:50 AM »
 Constantinos slowly awoke to find himslef in the Library with Tony and Laurent.  "What happened?" groaned Constantinos. "And why does my ass hurt so bad!!" he screamed. "Shh, keep it down man" said Tony, "People are staring at us".

 Tony and Laurent told their friend all about what had happened, half laughing while trying to remain serious and sound concerned. "He WHAT!?..." yelled Constantinos, "...To my WHAT!?".  At this point Tony and Laurent looked at each other and cringed.  Constantinos began to sweat and ran towards a vase, spewing the contents of his stomach inside of it.

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Re: The NES : Kirby & Trent's Story
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2010, 01:32:00 AM »
   Tony and Laurent watched as Constantinos spewed his guts into the vase. Tony started laughing to himself. "Shut up, this is serious!" said Laurent trying to be serious but, was overwhelmed with laughter himself. "Hey, I need to get back to the cinema, I left Karen." said Tony as he stood up still watching Constantinos. "Okay," said Laurent "I'll bring our friend back to the dorm and try to give him some details."
   With that, Tony left the campus and headed towards Old Bullworth Vale. He jogged over the bridge and into the shopping area located in the center of the town. There, he tried to enter the cinema but was stopped by a security guard near the door. "Um, can I come in?" asked Tony questionably. "Let me see your ticket first." Remembering his ticket, Tony reached into his pocket and pulled it out. The guard then directed him toward theater 3. Tony walked to the counter and bought a soda with two straws for him and Karen to share. He then walked into the theater.
   He looked down the rows of seats until he found Karen sitting next to another guy... They were sharing popcorn and whispering to each other.
   Tony crept down the aisle, until he reached Karen's row. "Karen..." Tony said softly as he reached her. "Oh, hey babe... is everything okay with Constantinos.?" she asked. "Um, yeah... he's feeling kind of sick right now but he'll be okay."
   "What happened, do you know?" asked Karen.
"Well... to just put it straight forward, were pretty sure he was raped by Gord."
   Karen choked on her popcorn. "Oh my God! Is he okay? Tony looked up at the screen and back at her. "Yea, he should be, like I said he got pretty sick afterwards but, he should be fine." Karen sighed. "I sure hope so." Tony, still curious about who Karen was sitting with, nudged Karen.
   "Um who are you sharing popcorn with?" Tony asked. "Oh NO! It's not like that... This is Jeff, an old friend from my hometown. Him and his family are visiting Bullworth for a little while."
   "Oh..." said Tony holding out his hand towards the boy. Jeff mumbled and ate a handful of popcorn. Tony pulled his hand back and put it on the arm rest beside him. "Oh, hey I got us a drink." said Tony holding the double strawed soda towards Karen. "No thanks, I'm not thirsty." said Karen as she pushed the cup back towards him.
   Tony frowned and took a sip of the drink. He stared at Karen for a moment until she turned her head and smiled. He forced a smile back. Tony, feeling unwanted, slouched down in his seat and returned to the movie.

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Re: The NES : Kirby & Trent's Story
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2010, 03:05:16 PM »
Kirby watched Tony Karen, and Jeff down below him. Tony and Karen had such a great relationship. Why couldn't he and Trent be like that. What does the world have against gay couples?

"Hey, Trent... Let's get out of here, this movie scares me." said Kirby.
"Why Were at the best part?"
"You think the best part is where all the mindless violence comes in?"
"Um, duh..."
"What ever... I'm out of here!"

   Kirby stood up and squeezed by Trent who was scooping handfuls of popcorn into his mouth.

"Hey, where are you going?" asked Trent. "I don't know, but I'm leaving. Trent watched as Kirby turned and left the theater. "Shit!" exclaimed Trent silently to himself. He forced himself up out of his seat and left the theater.

"Kirby wait up!"
"No..." said Kirby as he trotted up the stairs with Trent following.
"What... What's wrong, are you mad at me?"

Kirby turned around and stopped.

"I'm tired of being queer... I don't want dick for the rest of my life..."
Trent was stunned by Kirby's words. "Well what do you want?"
"I want a girl... somebody like, like... one of the cheerleaders or something, besides they have better sence of footwear than you do."
"Kirby, stop it... I love you and you know it... I can understand if you want some options in life but, but... I really do like you."

Kirby looked around at the by passers, wondering if he was being looked at. He thought about how Tony and Karen were. A perfect straight relationship.

"Look Trent, let's go talk about it over coffee or something."
"Okay, Kirb..."

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Re: The NES : Kirby & Trent's Story
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2010, 05:38:36 AM »
Off in the outdoor cafe at a table all to themselves, Trent proposed an idea to Kirby.

"Look, Kirby, it doesn't have to be one or the other....You can be both !"
Kirby looked up morosely.  "What do you mean both ?"
"Why, be Gay and Bi-sexual at the same time !", Trent exclaimed. "I do it !"

Kirby had no idea.  "You mean...."
"Yeah !", Trent said.  "I like girls, too !  Nothing wrong with that !"
"But...Isn't that wrong ?" Kirby asked, confused.
"Oh, Hell No !" Trent exclaimed.  "Look, you just said you oughtta try a girl, right ?  Don't mean you have to give up who you are.  You can have it all, Gay AND Straight.  Why cut out half the population ?  Being Bi, you can have the Hots for Anyone !"

Kirby considered Trent's words.  Could it be possible to still be true to himself ?

"And the ones to get would be some Lesbian Bi girls", Trent went on. "Just think o0f the possibilities....If you and I could get us girls like that, we'd still look normal.  And we could have some awesome foursomes."

Kirby pondered what Trent was saying.  He was beginning to feel excited at the prospect that Trent was right, and the thing that was convincing him the most was the boner he was getting just thinking about it.  He looked at Trent and said, "That's it !  That's what I need to do !  It's so simple !  Hey, thanks, Trent, this is just the thing !"

"S'allright, Bro...", Trent allowed.  "Now, whadda say we blow this joint and go out and find us some of those kinky girls ?  Sure there's some out here somewhere....."