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Messages - Al Arlington

Pages: 1 ... 75 76 [77] 78 79 80
GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: A Tad bit Mad (Mini-series)
« on: February 25, 2011, 04:39:32 PM »
OK  a few things
1) that would've gone great as part of a Lefty and Vance episode
2) i now think that Vance is your best character
3) you retextured Tad's Beta apperance
4) did you get my message about the Beta characters of bully?
5) Great video seriously if i was there i woulda thought i was going mental

Bullworth Experiences / Re: Bully Funny Fights
« on: February 25, 2011, 03:19:49 PM »
i also once saw Sheldon fight Algernon and Sheldon won sadly this was before i had a youtube account

Bullworth Experiences / Re: Bully Funny Fights
« on: February 25, 2011, 11:51:51 AM »
Haha, I always do stuff like that. I liked how you were carrying around a can of spraypaint....always have to be prepared....
anyone who looks at me wrongly will get a face fulla paint

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: Create A Character?
« on: February 25, 2011, 11:35:06 AM »
I will grant you, I do see some eat occasionally....But hardly enough to keep a bird alive.

Bullworth Experiences / Bully Funny Fights
« on: February 25, 2011, 09:36:16 AM »
you ever just walked around the school and found some fights going on? well heres a video i recorded this morning
Bully Damon v 4 preps and then Gord v Lance

Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Spam Alerts
« on: February 25, 2011, 09:07:58 AM »
Haha, I did something really bad in art class once and someone else got blamed. XD
well i once said to my art teacher "screw yourself noodlearm" yes thats what Ted says on the big game aint it?

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: Create A Character?
« on: February 25, 2011, 08:57:17 AM »
i've saw Constantino's eat a bannana before then i saw sheldon with a tray grabbed it off him and whacked him around the head with it

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: imagine bully without the bugs
« on: February 25, 2011, 08:53:00 AM »
^I know!

And if I try and get on here in the library, it's just blocked. And I don't know any other way to get around it. (Proxy servers or something?)
YES i know how to access facebook at my school
me and my "friends" were on it all day and Danny got busted HA HA what a fucking idiot

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: Create A Character?
« on: February 25, 2011, 08:49:34 AM »
yeah but you can eat apples and bannanas

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: Create A Character?
« on: February 24, 2011, 01:19:23 PM »
or how about a mode like GTA SA make Jimmy eat too much and he'll become like Algie work out a lot and become like Derby

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: The BETA Version of Tad Spencer - Remade
« on: February 24, 2011, 11:24:03 AM »
I've decided to start remaking some of the beta characters that can only be seen in older screenshots of the game.

First up is Tad Spencer. His beta version had him wearing a Aquaberry sweater and his default tan slacks.

Heres the beta version-

And here is the remake I have made-

Download link coming soon.

Here is a video so you can get better views of Tad-

Bully SE : Beta characters remade - Tad Spencer

Heres 2 other characters I'm going to be creating beta versions of later.

- Gord Vendome
- Derby Harrington

If you would like to help me in creating more beta characters, then find some older screenshots with the beta characters in them and give me a private message with the image link.
i found one of Jimmy kicking Gord and Chad.. they were dressed like Tad so i guess that was the Preps Beta apperance

Hints, Tips and Cheats / Re: After 2.00 AM ?
« on: February 23, 2011, 09:27:19 AM »
The wierdest glitch I ever had on the Go-Kart was when Wade stole it.  I tried to rip him out, but ended up merging Jimmy and Wade's bodies together.  I had to wait until 2:00 so Jimmy could pass out.
something like that happened to me once instead it was with Troy
and i once stayed awake until 2:05am its hard put possible

Hints, Tips and Cheats / Re: Where Jimmy Can't Be Busted
« on: February 23, 2011, 09:19:21 AM »
man PS1 games..... i miss spyro 3 and spyro 2..... i have 3 copys of spyro 3 now and 1 copy of spyro 2

Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Spam Alerts
« on: February 22, 2011, 06:41:26 AM »
Kinda reminds me of art class. The one class I absolutely hated. Projects were the only fun part of art.
nah art was fun when you was flicking paint at the kid next to you

Auditory Experiences / Re: Confused Quotes
« on: February 21, 2011, 04:02:04 PM »
I'm a bit late with the list, here it is:


Beatrice: I don't know what this means...
Bucky: What the... Huh?
Cornelious: But I don't understand...
Earnest: That's incomprehensible!
Melvin: I feel like my head is going to explode!
Thad: Sorry?


Davis: I don't get it...
Russell: Russell... Confused!
Tom: I have no clue what's going on! Like, none at all!
Troy: What? Words?
Wade: What is... huh?


Bo: What the? I don't understand!
casey: I don't get it!
Dan: What the?
Juri: Uhm... What is... Uhh... What?
Kirby: Sure that's... Yeah... What?
Luis: Wait... Wait a minute...
Mandy: This is just so confusing!
Ted: Time out dude! That scheme is confusing!


Hal: This makes my head hurt!
Johnny: Woah...
Lefty: This is messing with my head!
Lola: Uhhh... What?
Lucky: what the heck is that?
Norton: My head hurts trying to think it out!
Peanut: What? Huh?
Ricky: I don't get it! What the hell?
Vance: What is goin' on?


Bif: I don't even know where to begin.
Bryce: You commoners make no sense!
Chad: What is going on?
Derby: What the heck is going on?
Gord: Can someone help me make sense of this?
Justin: What is going on?
Parker: Uhmm... That doesn't make sense!
Pinky: I don't get it!
Tad: Ok... Yeah... What?


Clint: Woaaah! Let's take it down a few notches!
Duncan: This, makes my brain hurt real bad!
Edgar: What's this crap now?
Gurney(1st quote): Uhhh, what?
Gurney(2nd quote): Wait... my head hurts!
Jerry: Uhhhh...
Leon: Man! What's goin' on now?
Omar: I must.. Uhh... Argh!
Otto: I just don't get it!
Zoe: Huh... Confusing.


Angie: Hmm! I don't get it!
Christy: wait!
Constantinos: I just don't understand!
Eunice: Huh? What?
Gary: What's going on?
Gloria: I am positively, flomaged at this point!
Gordon: I don't get it! Huh?
Ivan: I just won't go. I'm not sure I'm getting all of this...
Karen: Uhm... I'm confused!
Lance: I'm not even gonna pretend I get what's going on!
Melody: Ay ay ay!
Pedro: Uhm... Err... Momma?
Pete: What the hell is going on?
Ray: This is confusing on so many levels!
Sheldon: This is weird!
Trevor: I'm bewildered!
Ever chucked a rat at someones feet they'll say stuff like WHAT THE HELL IS THAT and run off i find it VERY amusing doing it to Pee Stain

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