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Messages - Peter

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18]
Bully 1 Discussion / What Cliques?
« on: January 03, 2007, 02:25:22 PM »
I wear nothing but a cowboy hat, clown shoes and tighty whities. Sometimes I switch it up and wear that silly hat, or gnome head.

Bullworth Experiences / Knocked out 8 policice last night
« on: January 02, 2007, 02:04:56 PM »
Are you being sarcastic McHaggis? It is too easy to take out the authorities in Bully. A few shots to the head with the slingshot from a good vantage point is all you need. But you know what is a challenge tough? Fighting. I only managed to knock out one prefect before three of them ganged up on me...

Anti-Bully / Do you think it was too short?
« on: January 02, 2007, 01:58:43 PM »
It took me approximately 24 hours to complete everything except finding the rubber bands/gnomes/cards. So yes, I think it was very short, but hopefully if there is a Bully 2 it will be longer.

Anti-Bully / Haters Petition!
« on: January 02, 2007, 01:57:14 PM »
People like Jack Thompson and the undersigned of that petition are a bunch of old hags with sand in there vagina's' that are blinded by the true reason for violence in teenagers. Video game companies are not to be blamed, and the games that come out should not be banned. It is the fault of the idiot parents for buying the games for there children. I am not saying that kids should stop playing games, but if a kid cannot tell the difference between video games and real life, his parents should not buy him games. Furthermore the majority of kids that do follow video games either got the video game without permission or have some sort of mental disease that causes anger. People like JT and the undersigned of that petition are just looking for something to fight, and thanks to them gaming companies are forced to be censored. Anyway, there are much bigger sources of violence that pose a greater threat then any video game.

Introduce Yourself / Hello
« on: January 02, 2007, 01:47:06 PM »
Hello everyone my name is Peter J. (PJ). I joined these forums because they where the biggest bully forums I have found on google. I am a huge Rockstar fan and I think that Bully was an awesome change from the classic city killing spree games known as GTA. I need a new forum to discuss different topics, I know I will fit in here because not only do I like Bully and all the Rockstar games but I can also hold conversations in topics not relating to gaming.

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