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Free roam Boss styles-Difficulty increase-population
Bully Scholarship Edition.url
Filesize: 221B  Views: (3975)  Downloads (663)  Last Download: Today at 05:54:30 AM 
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Description:  This mini-mod puts together most of the commonly requested things by bully players. That being: the spawning of missing characters into freeroam, adding most of the missing boss-styles to most characters, increasing the difficulty of the game, and making it that different cliques spawn into places like the boy's dorm as well as some additional stuff.  I’m basically posting what I wish I could have found more easily when I first played Bully, which is an easy way to make the game even more fun and difficult.
To ensure that I cover everyone’s preferences as much as possible I’ve created multiple difficulty scenarios with different pedstats files, ranging from close to the base game to hard. In multiple of those scenarios, I’ve also added other optional additional choices such as having Peanut, Gord, and Norton’s mini-boss health and Bryce’s boxing Bryce health as well as the choice to have stronger versions of the Clique leaders in Complete Mayhem. I’ve also increased the number of Preppies spawned in Old Bulworth Vale and allowed other cliques to roam in the school area as well as other things. All to ensure that you could have the best gameplay experience that suits you best.
Keywords: Boss moveset - difficulty increase - population spawn  
Posted by: austinterry18271827 March 24, 2022, 01:02:33 AM

Rating: ***** by 1 members.
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