Yea, that I know and have known it since Steman and I teamed up for the releases we both put out together. I know how he managed to spawn it but I am trying to do this without executing any extra scripts just to do that and simply just by editing the doors directly via trigger. While I have the areacode and coords correct....really the only way to spawn it properly is to take out the code that spawns it in the first place (located in the script for the final fight against gary) and stick that bit of code in another script...probably a library script that is access by all other scripts so that its loaded at all times during free roam.
I will probably take another look at his mod for that and see if I can find an alternate way for now since it will be some time yet before I can crank out releases with the lua scripts since my modding partner in this project is helping me with several parts of this and both of us are working to get things done so the community can use them.
It will just take a bit before I can do everything I planned out when I first started this....but it will eventually get done.